Name __________________________________________ Date ____________________ Presidential Review

Name __________________________________________ Date ____________________
Presidential Review
Complete the following questions and turn in on test day. You also need to know your
vocabulary. This is a summative grade.
1. In the role of ____________________ the President executes the laws and directs the Federal
2. In the role of ___________________ the President ensures laws are “faithfully executed.”
3. As the ________________________ the President celebrates with the nation, morns with nation,
comforts the nation.
4. Main architect of US Foreign Policy. President negotiates treaties but Senate must approve in the role
of ____________________________.
5. As the symbol of the United States both at home and abroad. Throwing out a pitch at baseball game,
visiting other countries the President is in the role of ____________________________.
6. In the role of _______________________________ the President presents policy ideas to Congress in
the State of the Union Address. He or she can sign bills passed by Congress into law or veto them.
7. What are the formal qualifications for becoming President?
8. The __________________ Amendment limits Presidential terms to two terms or ten years.
9. Who are the first four people in line for the Presidency if something happens to the President?
10. The Presidential disability gap is found in the _______________ Amendment.
11. What is a “lame duck” President?
12. According to the 25th Amendment, when there is a vacancy for the Vice President, the ____________
shall nominate a Vice President and the _________________ shall confirm that nomination.
13. List some ways the President checks the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch.
14. If there is a tie or no candidate gets a majority of the electoral votes the _____________________
decides who will be President.
15. What is the purpose(s) of the National Convention?
16. What has led to the growth of Presidential Power?
17. What is an executive order?
18. How does the President’s role as Commander in Chief conflict with Congress’s war powers?
19. The power to execute the law is an ______________________power.
20. After the President negotiates a treaty, the _______________ must approve it with a _______ vote.
21. An executive agreement is a _________________________________________________________.
22. One difference between an executive agreement and a treaty is that an executive agreement does
not require _______________________________________ consent.
23. The War Powers Act? Why was it adopted?
24. What Presidential nominees does the Senate confirm?
25. What is the oldest Cabinet Department? What is the most recently formed Cabinet Department?