Benefits: Financial help in time of sickness, old age, disability, or the like.
Bias: To prejudice or present information in a slanting manner.
Career outlook: The number of jobs that will be available in a certain field in the future.
Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT): Book that describes thousands of jobs in detail.
Entrepreneur: A person who runs a business; a self-employed person.
Entrepreneurship: The ownership, organization, and management of a business.
F4K: A web portal developed to provide career and educational resources with industry and mentor support. Accessible at
Free enterprise system: Allows private ownership; profit motive; competition, and freedom of choice.
Guide to Occupational Education (GOE): Book that contains twelve main interest areas and careers that suit people with those interests.
Inflation: A sharp increase in the costs of goods and services.
Informational interview: Talking to a person about his/her job.
Long-term goals: Those things that a person wants to accomplish that may take several months to several years to accomplish (long
term goals generally refer to those goals which will take one year or more to accomplish).
Mentor: A trusted advisor.
NCCareers.org: Website which contains career information specific to North Carolina. Helps match interests with possible occupations.
Accessible at www.NCCareers.org.
Nontraditional occupations: Occupations in which men/women compromise 25 percent or less of the work force.
O*Net: The Occupational Information Network (O*Net) is a comprehensive, interactive database developed by the US Department of
Labor to identify and describe important information about occupations, worker characteristics, work skills and training requirements.
The on-line system is available at http://online.onetcenter.org.
OH: Occupational Outlook Handbook; leading guide for national occupational and career information from the US Department of
Labor. It describes the nature of work, earning, outlook, education, and job requirements, and related occupations for approximately
200 occupations. Predicts future needs for employment. This resource is available in book format or at www.bls.gov/oco/.
Promotion: Advance an employee earns by being productive, cooperation, dependable, and highly skilled.
Recession: A period of declining economic growth.
Short-term goals: Those things that a person wants to accomplish in a small amount of time (generally less than one year).
SIC: Standard Industrial Classifications System; US department of Labor identifies career information based on industrial classification.
Located at http://www.osha.gov/
SOC: Standard Occupational Classification System; provides information based on broad occupational definitions.
Telecommute: To work at home using a computer connected to the network of one’s employer.
Trade and professional journals: Publications which contain information regarding trends, industrial innovations and training
opportunities for specific professions.
Transferable Skills: To carry, move, or shift a proficiency or ability.
Trends: A direction of movement.
Video/voice conferencing: Can be used as an option to replace travel.
Working conditions: Information about hours, environment, and safety in regards to an occupation.