Accountability Civil Rights Act of 1964 Conflict

Accountability: Willingness to take credit and blame for actions.
Civil Rights Act of 1964: Gave the government a strong legal tool to prevent job discrimination; paved the way for equal
employment opportunity.
Conflict: A clash between hostile or opposing elements, ideas or forces.
Conflict resolution: A problem-solving strategy for settling disputes.
Constructive criticism: Criticism that is presented in a way that can help you learn and grow.
Cross-functional team: A group of people from different departments or areas working together.
Defensiveness: Putting up an emotional guard against negative opinion.
Discrimination: Unequal treatment based on such factors as race, religion, nationality, gender, age, or physical appearance.
Diversity: Variety; the positive result of people in different racial, ethic, and cultural backgrounds working together.
Etiquette: Having good manners in your dealing with people.
Ethics: The principles of conduct that govern a group or society.
Feedback: A listener’s response that tells a sender that the message is understood.
Functional Team: A group of people form one department or area working together.
Initiative: Doing what needs to be done and doing it without being told.
Integrity: Following a strict code of conduct or standard of values.
Interpersonal Skills: Skills that promote relationships with other people.
Leadership: Inspiring and influencing others.
Mediation: To act as an intermediary; to work with opposing sides in order to resolve a conflict.
Memo: An informal correspondence written within an organization.
Negative: Not constructive or helpful.
Non-verbal communication: Communicating without the use of words.
Professionalism: Handling problems and criticism gracefully and maturely.
Punctual: Being on time.
Self-discipline (control): Training of oneself; correction or regulation of oneself for improvement.
Self-management: Doing the things necessary to build a better career.
Sexual Harassment: Any unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature.
Stereotype: An oversimplified and distorted belief about a person or group.
Tact: The ability to say and do things in a way that will not offend another person.
Team: A group of people who work together to set goals, make decisions, solve problems, and put ideas into action.
Verbal: Communicating with words.