Français I 2015-2016

Français I 2015-2016
Extra Help
Contact Info:
Class Website:
Madame Carolyn Hathaway
A & B Houses, Eagle Ridge Middle School
Monday-Friday 8:05-8:30; 3:25-3:45 or appointment
Tel:(571) 252-2140 E-mail: [Staff/ Hathaway, Carolyn] & Vision
“Bienvenue” and welcome to French I! I look forward to working with each of you to make
this an exciting and enriching school year. Learning a foreign language is truly a rewarding
experience. Please visit the class website frequently to access news, useful links,
homework and more. This is going to be a great year!
Course Description & Objectives
Level I French focuses on developing students’ communicative competence in the foreign
language and their understanding of the culture(s) of French speakers. Communicative
competence is divided into three strands: speaking and writing as an interactive process,
reading and listening as a receptive process, and speaking and writing in a presentational
context. In a Level I class, the students learn to communicate in a variety of real-life
contexts, including an immersion setting with topics that are meaningful to them. Through
the immersion process, students develop a solid understanding of how their own language is
structured and how their own culture has unique aspects.
Students will need to bring to class every time we meet:
 3-ring binder with 4-5 tab separations & lined, loose-leaf paper
 Blue and red pens or pencils and a standard, number 2 pencil
 Pack of colored pencils, crayons or markers
 Student Agenda
 Tablet or laptop with internet capability
Grading & Evaluation
Grades will be assigned the following percentages based on assessment type:
Formative assessments 10%
Practice activities in class
Daily homework
Pop quizzes
Summative assessments 90%
Scheduled quizzes
Tests, quarterly CPAs, LCPS exams
Projects and formal presentations
Quarterly Passeport oral assessment
Quizzes and Tests – There will be short, frequent quizzes in order to group the new
material into manageable sections and to encourage frequent review of new content.
Anticipate a test at the end of every unit with a minimum of 5 days notice.
CPA and Exams –Students will complete a quarterly, writing and speaking CPA as well as a
mid-term and end-of-year Interactive Achievement assessment, which are developed by the
LCPS World Languages Curriculum development team.
Projects – Students will be graded on all projects according to a rubric, which will be
provided in advance of the assignment’s due date. This includes the quarterly Passeport.
Homework - Expect regular homework assignments, which should each take 15-30 minutes
to complete. Attempt the assignment the day it is assigned to keep concepts fresh from
class. Regular daily practice is the key to success in language learning!
Make-up & Late Work – It is the student’s responsibility to make up all missed work from
absences. The first day back to class, missed assessments and late homework are due. A
binder on the student table provides extra copies of assignments, agendas and warm-ups.
Additionally, the class website is a wonderful resource for missing assignments. Please
contact Mme Hathaway when in doubt about class work, homework, and due dates. Late
formative assignments, projects, and Passeport will be marked down 5% per school day.
Retakes- In order to help all students be successful and reach personal goals, Mme
Hathaway will offer an opportunity for students to retake TWO summative assessments per
quarter with grades below 70%, on a date scheduled by the teacher. Students are required
to submit a completed and signed Retake Application before scheduling a reassessment.
Please note that LCPS allows no retakes for CPA tests or Interactive Achievement
assessments. Additionally, students may not retake quarterly Passeport assessments. Mme
Hathaway has the right to refuse the re-take option if a student is missing assignments, is
frequently absent from class, and/or demonstrates lack of effort.
Extra help – Please consider signing up for peer tutoring if you need help. Mrs. Hathaway
also offers help sessions before and after school and by appointment. Updated tutoring
times are posted on the class website. Schedule help sessions at least one day in advance.
Classroom Expectations – Students will abide by the following behavioral expectations:
-Responsibility: submitting completed work on time; abiding by classroom procedures;
-Readiness: being prepared and focused on achieving learning goals;
-Enthusiasm: striving to learn & achieve at high levels while engaging in all class activities;
-Respect: treating adults, peers, and property with courtesy & consideration.
Student Name: ________________________ Class period: _______
I acknowledge that I have read this syllabus and will follow the policies and procedures
outlined, above.
Student signature __________________________________________________
Parent/ Guardian name (print) __________________________ Date__________
Parent/ Guardian signature ____________________________________________