Volcanic Eruption Types Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) Create a titled spreadsheet with, name, date, and block in the proper place, that organizes these classifications of eruptions and their sub-types. 1. Magmatic eruptions Hawaiian Strombolian Vulcanian These are really important to know Peléan Plinian 2. Phreatomagmatic eruptions Surtseyan Submarine Subglacial 3. Phreatic eruptions Include in your spreadsheet: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. VEI number Classification Characteristics Explosivity description of these type of eruptions Plume height of these types of eruptions Frequency of these types of eruptions Most frequent volcanic event; name and date Type of volcano in the event (shield, cinder, composite). Answer these questions and post below or on back of your spreadsheet: 1. 2. 3. 4. Explain the method of dating a volcano. Include how old to the most recent even. Explain how composite volcanoes are identified. Explain the differences between sub-aerial, sub-glacial and submarine volcanoes. What is the VEI number tell us?