Name: __________________________________________________ Block _________ Date: ___________ Points Possible Results Rubric (65 points) (Including Data/Statistical Analysis, Tables, Graphs) Results Summary: - Topic Sentence (purpose of the experiment) - IV, DV, and control group (if you had one) - Type of data collected (qualitative vs. quantitative or both), explain why - What tests were used (t-test, chi-square, ANOVA) with description of what it measured - Null hypothesis was stated - State if p-value was > or < 0.05 and/or give statistical test values and state statistical significance. - Null hypothesis was rejected or failed to reject? 1 2 2 2 1 2 / 11pts 1 Tables: (put after results summary) - Columns/Rows straight and neat with proper headings 1 - Calculations are all completed and correct 2 - Descriptive Title including IV and DV placed above the Table in ALL CAPS Ex. TABLE 1: PLANT HEIGHT (CM) VERSUS LIGHT EXPOSURE Descriptive statistics and T-test all included and calculated correctly 2 - Points Earned / 9 pts 4 Graphs: (put after results summary) - Appropriate graph to show trends or relationship between the data. - Key provided (clear and complete), x-axis, and y-axis are appropriately labeled. - Descriptive Title including IV and DV placed about the Graph in ALL CAPS Ex. FIGURE 1: PLANT HEIGHT (CM) VERSUS LIGHT EXPOSURE 1 2 2 / 5 pts Grammar and Mechanics (6 Points) 6 Points Advanced Proficient: Paper includes depth, reflection, and excellent articulation of the topic. Sentences are complete, grammatical, and flow together easily. Students wrote the paper in 3rd person. 4 Points Proficient: Communication generally includes depth and some clear sense of the topic reflection and evaluation. Sentences are sometimes incomplete with grammatical errors and do not flow together smoothly. 1st person is used occasionally. 2 Points Intermediate: Communication includes some depth and reflection. At times the paper does not flow with sentences that are sometimes incomplete with grammatical errors. 1st person is used multiple times throughout the paper. 1 Points Beginner: Communication is unclear and the paper does not flow. There is no clear sense of the topic. Sentences are incomplete or run-ons that are written in the 1st person. Discussion Rubric: Basil Seed Research Question Based off the guidelines given in class Null Hypothesis/Hypothesis and Statistical Analysis (12 Points) 12 Points Proficient: Clearly stated whether the hypothesis/null hypothesis was accepted or rejected by referencing the T-test and subsequent p-value calculations in relation to .05. Included additional descriptive statistics to explain the distribution of their data. Data is included throughout the explanation. 6 Points Intermediate: Student listed a few of the following pieces of information: Hypothesis/Null Hypothesis T-test Descriptive Statistics They did not clearly identify the link between all three pieces of information. Limited use of data. 2 Points Beginner: Student seemed to have no clear understanding of: Hypothesis/Null Hypothesis T-test Descriptive Statistics There is no data to support their statements. Science Behind Why (12 Points) 12 Points Proficient: Discussion includes depth, reflection, and excellent articulation of the science behind why the IV affected the DV. An explanation of how the data supported the claim was included. 6 Points Intermediate: Communication generally includes depth and some clear sense of the topic reflection and evaluation. Some data was pulled into the discussion. 2 Points Beginner: Communication of the science behind way the IV affected the DV was not at an honors level. Student struggled to communicate the data and showed no real understanding of the topic. Improvements and Possible Errors (4 Points) 4 Points Proficient: Students explained the unusual results and/or possible errors in procedures. They highlighted limitations for the experiment and discussed possible improvements. 2 Points Intermediate: Students listed unusual results and/or possible errors in the experimentation. 0 Points Beginner: Students did not talk about any significant improvements and/or possible errors in the experimentation. Further Research Questions (4 Points) 4 Points Proficient: Students raised further honors level research questions that could be tested based off the basil seed lab. 2 Points Intermediate: Students raised further research questions but the questions lacked depth. 0 Points Beginner: Students did not include further research questions. References (2 Points) 2 Points Proficient: Multiple sources were included and properly formatted. 1 Points Intermediate: Multiple sources were included but were improperly formatted or less than the minimum source requirement were included. 0 Points Beginner: Did not include adequate references/correct formatting not attempted.