English 12 Ms. Morgan & Ms. Martinez Welcome to English 12! The focus of this course will be on developing yourselves as strong writers, fluent thinkers, and critical readers. We are going to work to develop your voice and point of view through several writing projects and close readings of multiple genres of literature. We are excited, as we hope you are, for this opportunity to learn together, develop as writers and thinkers, and discuss significant works of literature. “Do you want to play it safe and be good or do you want to take a chance and be great?” Course Description The English 12 Academic curriculum will challenge students to read and write critically. The first semester is an Advanced Composition class, which will provide students with opportunities to practice analytic, argumentative, research-based, creative, and reflective writing. The second semester is a survey of World Literature, during which we will analyze literary works from many parts of the world by studying their forms and elements and relating them to themes and issues of their time periods. Students will appreciate universal themes and the distinct features of various world cultures. Objectives In accordance with the Loudoun County Public Schools English Language Arts Program of Studies, the primary objectives are as follows: -Make a formal oral presentation in a group or individually. -Examine how values and points of view are included or excluded and how media influences beliefs and behaviors. -Develop expository and informational analyses, and persuasive/argumentative writings. -Write, revise, and edit writing. -Write documented research papers. -Apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, and figurative language to extend vocabulary development in authentic texts. -Read, comprehend, and analyze the literature of other cultures. Materials - loose-leaf paper - pencils or pens - highlighter (optional) **If you have difficulties getting any of these items, please let us know!** Expectations -BE RESPECTFUL of your teacher, your classmates, school environment, and yourself -BE PREPARED for class with your materials, assignments, and to work -BE ON TIME and in your seat when the bell rings -COMMUNICATE your thoughts -DO YOUR BEST in all situations Grades and Assessments Each quarter, students will be asked to complete a variety of assignments. Minor assignments include daily journals/warm-ups, homework, quizzes, SSR participation, and classwork activities. These assignments will be worth between 5-30 points each. Periodic summative assessments such as essays, projects, portfolios, and presentations will be worth around 100 points each. Students will complete formative assessments, which will be equal to minor assignments in point value but which will enable identification of and feedback on current progress and areas of strength and weakness. Students should carefully review and consider feedback in order to reach their potential on the summative assessments. Late Policy and Missed Work -In accordance with English Department and Stone Bridge High School policies, all assignments are expected to be turned in on time. -Major assignments turned in late will lose 10% of the student’s earned score per class day. For example, an essay that earns 81/100 points on the rubric but is one day late would receive 72.9/100 in the grade book. -All work must be turned in one week before the end of the quarter in order to receive credit. -If you miss a class, you will have as many days missed in order to make up work. (Ex: you miss 2 days of our class you will have 2 days to make the work up) **In extended absences a plan will be put in place with the teacher and the student that may not follow this model** -Please communicate concerns about deadlines and extensions prior to the due date so we can create a plan to complete the assignment. -Please check SBHS staff website for major assignments and rubrics. Contact Please feel free to contact me at any point during the year with questions or clarifications and especially if you are experiencing difficulties with a specific assignment or with the class in general. Please communicate your concerns with me as soon as possible so we can put a plan in place to achieve goals and be successful. Ms. Morgan can be reached by email (shelbie.morgan@lcps.org) or by phone (571-252-2200). Ms. Morgan can also be found in Rm L513, and can meet with you before school or after school with advanced notice. Let’s make your senior year in English as successful and rewarding as possible! “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”