Understanding Meiosis

Understanding Meiosis
(Chapter 11 Sections 4)
Interphase: This phase proceeds meiosis and is where the cells undergo a round of DNA replication
(during the S phase) which ultimately forms duplicate chromosomes.
Brief Description
Prophase I
Meiosis I
Metaphase I
Anaphase I
Telophase I & Cytokinesis
Phophase II
Meiosis II
Metaphase II
Anaphase II
Telophase II & Cytokinesis
Answer the following Questions Based off the Reading and Lecture:
1. What is the total number of chromosomes present in the human cell before the S-phase? _________ After? _______
2. At the end of meiosis I how many cells are there? _______ How may chromosomes are present in each cell? ______
3. How is meiosis I different from mitosis? ______________________________________________________________
4. At the end of meiosis II how many cells are there? ______ How many chromosomes are present in each cell? ______
5. Why is the chromosome numbers important? _________________________________________________________
6. What types of cells are formed during meiosis? _______________________________________________________
7. Describe the difference in the number of chromosomes and the process used (mitosis/meiosis) between liver and
sperm cells. ___________________________________________________________________________________
8. How does meiosis differ in males and females? Draw the diagram on page 278 of your textbook.
Comparing Mitosis to Meiosis
Check the appropriate event(s) for each of the following statements
Reproduction in somatic cells
Reproduction in sex (gametes) cells
Results in haploid number
Results in diploid number
One division for completion
Two divisions for completion
Tetrads form
DNA Replicates
DNA does not replicate
Considered asexual reproduction
Considered sexual reproduction
Homologous chromosomes line up
Produces identical daughter cells
Creates genetically diverse cells