Northview IB Level I Expectation Letter 2015-2016 Dear Parents and Guardians, We are excited to welcome you to a successful year for your child at Northview IB. Enclosed in this letter are a few expectations to make your child’s year a productive and happy one in 7th grade. Please contact us if you have any questions. Teacher Expectations ● Teachers will maintain pacing in classroom instruction to cover all necessary material. ● Teachers will maintain web pages to keep students and parents informed on assignments. ● Teachers will update grades weekly on Parent Portal to keep students and their families apprised of their progress. ● Teachers will follow school rules and the discipline matrix as laid out in this letter and school policies. ● Teachers will return student and parent contacts within 24 hours on school days. Student Expectations ● Students should maintain a planner or calendar to plan for daily and long-range assignments. Homework is posted in the classroom and on teachers’ websites. There is also a grade level calendar on the website for major tests and projects. ● Students should check the Grade Portal weekly. Grades will be updated each Monday. Please contact your teacher if you have questions immediately. ● For absences, students should check teachers’ websites for make-up work. Often, you can have work made up before your next class to reduce stress. ● Check website on Snow Days for assignments and instructions as well. ● Students should ask questions early. Teachers will return emails during office hours 7:45-3:15pm weekdays. Responses may take 24 hours so plan ahead. ● Students should complete all homework individually and on time. If you do not have your assignment, students will complete a Student Responsibility Report. ● Student will follow all school policies, plagiarism rules, and Macbook rules to maintain a safe and quality learning environment. Parent Expectations ● Parents will check Parent Portal regularly and always contact teachers first if there is a concern. ● Parents will check student’s planner/calendar to help ensure assignments are completed in a timely manner. If there is a question, parents may wish to also check teacher web pages. ● Parents will encourage children to abide by school and Macbook policies, including those of plagiarism. The following guidelines address academic integrity. We’d like to address a few expectations dealing with this issue. Other information can be found online in the Student Handbook under Discipline in Section 4. As teachers, we want our students to master all concepts we teach this year. These guidelines below will help us ensure we are looking at your individual child’s progress, not that of his/ her peers. The following scenarios are considered cheating or examples of plagiarism: 1) Copying or receiving help from peers on homework. Homework is considered an individual assignment. If you have questions, contact your teacher. You have at least 2 days to finish all assigned work. 2) Sending or receiving shared documents intended for individual work 3) Googling answers (not background information). This includes online translators. Use the text provided or your notes from class to find the answer. Googling for answers often produces incorrect results. 4) Plagiarizing work from the Internet. 5) Claiming the group’s work and answers when the student has not contributed to the assignment. 6) Discussing tests and assignments as it relates to content (in other words, discussing what’s on the test or quiz) with others between classes. The above examples are a small sampling of possible academic dishonesty. We encourage our students to learn for the sake of learning. Knowledge is power and can not be taken away; this makes it valuable, and we are ensuring a safe and positive environment for your child to do his/her best work or to receive expert help when there is a concern. ** Please sign below that you understand the expectations presented above Student Signature _____________________________________ Parent Signature _____________________________________ **A copy of this letter is always available to you on the Level I homepage on our website. There are also links to each teacher’s website from the Level I Homepage as well.