Computer Ethics/Social Issues

Computer Ethics/Social Issues
Antivirus program - a computer program that detects viruses and repairs files
Biometric security measures - Using the examination of a fingerprint, a voice pattern, or the iris or retina
of the eye. These must match the entry that was originally stored in the system for an employee. This
method of security is usually used when high-level security is required.
Bomb Virus - A type of computer virus which is triggered by an event or a specific time or event
Computer crimes - A criminal act that is committed through the use of a computer, like getting into
someone else's system and changing information or creating a computer virus and causing it to damage
information on other computers. It can also involve the theft of a computer and any equipment
associated with the computer.
Computer fraud - Conduct that involves the manipulation of a computer or computer data in order to
dishonestly obtain money, property or value, or to cause loss. Examples of computer fraud include
stealing money from bank accounts and stealing information from other persons' computers for
financial gain.
Computer Vandalism - act of damaging, altering, or destroying a computer, peripherals, software, or
Computer Virus - a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great
harm to files or other programs on the same computer.
Copyright law - The law that gives protection to the owner to have exclusive right to reproduce or
distribute copies of his or her own work
Digital cash - Allows someone to pay by transmitting a number from one computer to another. The
digital cash numbers are issued by a bank and represent a specified sum of real money; each number is
Ethics - a set of moral principles or values
Fair Use Act - provides educators with the right to make reasonable copies of copyrighted materials
without specific consent of the author for purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching,
scholarship, or research
Freeware - software that is given away free of charge, but whose author still has the copyright
Hacking / Hacker- Involves invading someone else's computer, usually for personal gain or just the
satisfaction of being able to invade someone else's computer. Hackers are usually computer experts
who enjoy having the power to invade someone else's privacy.
Hoax - a program intended to scare users into thinking they have a virus
Intellectual property - ideas put into actions, such as writing, music, art, computer code, and inventions
that can be protected under copyright or patent law
Phishing- The unscrupulous practice devised to lure you into revealing your bank accounts, passwords,
credit card numbers, PIN codes and other sensitive data by sending e-mail messages that appear
legitimate from well-known companies.
Piracy - The illegal copying and distribution of copyright-protected software.
Plagiarism - Taking credit for someone else's work.
Public Domain Software- Software that is free to use for everyone and has no copyright laws. Usually it
is intellectual property of artists that have been deceased over 70 years.
Shareware - Software you can use for free for a specified period to try it out. If you decide that you like
it and it meets your needs, you are suppose to pay for it.
Malware - A generic term used for software designed specifically to damage or disrupt a computer
Private Data - Information which is confidential and should only be shared with selected individuals; for
example, your social security number
Public Data - Information that is ethically accessible to anyone and can be shared with anyone without
any threats to your privacy and safety
Software license - a legally binding agreement that states how one who has purchased the rights to use
software can legally use the software.
Software piracy - Illegal copying and using software.
Spam - Unsolicited (which means 'not asked for') email, usually of a commercial nature - junk email.
Spyware- Programs written to secretly track and gather information on a person's computer without
their knowledge.
Trojan horse Virus - A type of computer virus that is disguised as a useful piece of software, but does
something different from what it is expected to do.
Unethical - Lacking in moral principles, improper behavior, doing wrong
Virus - a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to
files or other programs on the same computer
Worm Virus - A type of computer virus that makes many copies of itself resulting in the consumption of
system resources which slows down or actually halt tasks.