Topic: Writing a Personal Narrative Grade 2 WIDA Strand: The Language of English Language Arts I Can... Use words I have learned in reading, writing and conversation. (4a) Talk about connections with a story about making mistakes and learning from them. Write narratives to tell about events that really happen to me. (3) I Will... Read the OWE big book Ibis and Jaguar’s Dinner. Find words we learned in the story. Use what I know about the word to understand the words. Use context clues to understand the words that are still hard. Write sentences with these words to make sure I know how to use them. Jot down mistakes I have made after I read about Jaguar’s mistake in the book. Choose a choice I made (from last week) or a mistake I made to write about. Vocab from OWE Unit 8: trick, choice, lesson, reason, result, mistake Assessment: Students will have a rough narrative in their writing notebooks. Day by Day: ● Monday: ○ Students share out “jots” from their notebooks, in which they had written about choices they have made. ○ Talk about how all choices are not good. Some are mistakes. We’re going to see what happens when one friend makes a mistake, and the results of that choice. ○ Read big book Ibis and Jaguar’s Dinner. ○ Students share what mistake was made by Jaguar. ● Wednesday: ○ Revisit Ibis and Jaguar. ■Do you make mistakes? What were the results? ● Students share out. ■What lesson did Jaguar learn? Did Ibis make any mistakes? What lesson did she learn? ● Have you learned lessons from your mistakes? ■Give kids a chance to “jot” about a mistake they have made. Talk with each other about that mistake and what you learned. ○ Use back flap from book to model how: ■We make a bad choice ■There is a consequence (result) ■(add) we learn a lesson and make a better choice next time. ○ Do shared writing to demonstrate one of our mistakes - consequences - lessons. ○ ○ Allow them to do so in pairs... Allow students the rest of the time to write in their notebooks, encouraging them to think of another mistake they would like to write about.