Scientific Revolution

Scientific Revolution
1. Bell Ringer: What is the impact of the English Bill of
2. Absolutism Timeline Overview
3. English Civil War Quiz
4. Lecture: Scientific Revolution
5. Chart of Scientific Revolutionary thinkers
6. Discussion Activity, Trial of Galileo.
7. Primary Document Analysis: Galileo
8. Illustration: Conflict between Church and science
HW: Finish Primary Document and Illustration Activity
Scientific Revolution
• The natural world can
be explained through
observation and
questioning accepted
• Church had an issue
with this…
– If you can’t explain it, it’s
“God’s” way.
Heliocentric Theory
• Geocentric- Earth is in the
• Heliocentric- sun-centered
• Copernicus – Used Greek
theory and astronomy to
show planets revolve
around the sun.
– Orbits could not be explained.
– Did not publish until his death
for fear of ridicule.
• Kepler- Laws govern
planetary motion.
– Elliptical Orbits
• Law of gravity- a falling
object accelerates at a fixed
• Supported the ideas of
Copernicus with his
observations in Astronomy.
• Church reacts negatively.
– Galileo stood trial and was
forced to renounce his theory.
– Can’t stop the idea, and it
spreads even though he is
under house arrest.
Scientific Method
• Logical procedure for
gathering and testing
• Francis Bacon believed
that scientists could
produce practical
knowledge through
• Experiment instead of
abstract thought.
• Decartes method uses
mathematics and logic.
– “I think, therefore I am.”
Isaac Newton
• Perfected law of gravity.
• Universal GravitationEvery object in the
universe attracts every
other object.
• Adds religion by
claiming “God” was the
clockmaker that set the
world in motion.
• Vesalius dissected
human corpses.
– Why would the church
have an issue with this?
• William Harvey
discovered blood
circulation through the
• Edward Jenner
introduced vaccination
to eliminate smallpox.
Illustration Assignment
• Using no words, how would you illustrate the
conflict between the Church and the Scientific
Revolution? Illustrate this on a sheet of paper
(I’m not looking for a Picasso, I’m looking for
good, analytical thought)