Revolutions in Europe: Post 1815

Revolutions in Europe: Post 1815
• Bell Ringer: What role did Miguel Hidalgo play
in the Mexican Revolution?
1. Brief Lecture: Revolutions in Europe
2. Image Interpretation, Revolution of 1848
3. The history behind the film activity.
4. Revolution of 1848, Proclamation
5. Chart activity, differing the Revolutions
6. Objectives
• Conservatives, Liberals,
and Radicals are fighting
over social order in
• Nationalism emerges as
the dominant philosophy
– Nation of people that
share a common culture.
• Equality dominates the
debate on nationalism.
• Begins with a revolt in
Greece, 1821.
Greek Revolt, 1821
• They want to be part of the
nation-states in Europe,
instead they are part of
Ottoman Empire.
• Russia supported the
church in Greece, and
others respected their
culture and supported the
plea for independence.
• 1827, British, French and
Russian fleet destroy the
Ottoman Navy, Greece gains
independence in 1830.
France, 1830
• Charles X tried to return to
absolute monarchy.
• July Revolution, led by the people
attempted to riot against Charles.
– Troops refuse to fire on the
population, and Charles flees.
• Prince Louis-Philippe took rule
and supported Monarchy, many
look down on his rule.
• “The manners of a citizen and a
plainness of dress and demeanor
suitable to an American
President, but unbecoming a
descendent of the Sun King.”
France, 1848
• Louis-Philippe became
unpopular because of
repressive techniques.
• Radicals
– Wanted to discard monarchy
and establish a republic.
• Liberals
– Wanted an extension of
voting rights.
• Louis-Napoleon takes
power, and stability returns
in 1849.
• Renames himself Napoleon
Other Chaos throughout Europe
• Uprisings throughout
• Italy attempted to unify
against Metternich and
Austria. (1830)
• Russia tried to quell a
Polish Uprising. (1830)
• By 1849, conservatism
returns to Europe and the
Revolutionary period is
over… again.
Image Interpretation
First Empire
(Napoleon I)
July Monarchy
Second Republic
(Louis Napoleon)
Second Empire
(Napoleon III)
• Questions for today:
1. What causes Revolution?
2. How successful were these Revolutions, compared to
the French Revolution in 1789?
3. How does Nationalism play a role in Revolution?
4. How does the Congress of Vienna, 1815, relate to
these occurrences?