Classroom Expectations

Classroom Expectations
Beginning Class
 At the start of each class be in your seat and begin the warm-up exercise.
 You will be given a few minutes to complete the activity before we review as a class.
 When you have completed the warm-up, take out the necessary materials for the day.
Giving the Teacher your full attention
 Turn in your seat to face me, stop talking, and listen to what I have to say.
 When I speak, I have important information to convey and you need to hear it.
Leaving your seat
 The only reasons to leave your seat are sharpening a pencil, getting a tissue, or getting
necessary materials from the location provided.
 Unless otherwise instructed, you should not be out of your seat during class.
 You will need the following supplies every time you enter my classroom:
o Writing utensil (pen/pencil)
o Notebook Paper
o Civics Binder
o (2) Dividers 5 tabs
o Any other specified materials for the particular day.
Leaving the room
 No one is permitted to leave the room without asking permission.
 You must have a pass to go anywhere in the school (expect getting water).
 You must sign out when you leave and specify your name, date, and time you leave.
Electronic devices
 Seneca Ridge MS does not allow the use of electronic devices by students in the
 If a device is seen by the teacher I will ask you to immediately put the device in your
locker and you MUST comply with the request. If you choose not to, you will be sent to
the House Dean.
 If a device makes noise during class, the same procedures from above will apply.
 I will document all instances where a device is seen, heard, or used in class and give
notice to the House Dean.
 Unless otherwise directed, all students are expected to complete individually all
assignments, tests, quizzes and projects.
 Copying another person’s work, words, or ideas is considered to be plagiarism.
Tardy/Late to class
 If you come to class late you will follow these directions:
o Enter quietly.
o Give me your note/pass.
o Sit in your seat and begin on the assignment/task we are working on.
o See me after class or during resource to see what you might have missed.
Emergency Drills
 Anytime there is an alarm or an announcement for an emergency drill you are to be
silent and wait for instruction from me.
 Drills are meant to train us all on how to be safe in the event of a real emergency and
they are important practices for all of us. Therefore, we must treat every drill like a real
emergency situation.
Absent/Make-up work
 All students will be given time to complete any work missed in class due to absence of
any kind.
 Time to complete work will be equal to the amount of time missed.
Finishing tests/class work early
 Everyone works at their own pace and that is to be expected and encouraged.
 If you finish early, you may check your work, read a book, or do something of the like
 You cannot TALK (especially if you finish a test early, in this instance you need to follow
the instruction you received at the beginning of class).
Dismissal from class
 The bell does not dismiss you, Mr. Bell dismisses you.
 When the bell rings you may collect your personal items and wait to be released.
 I will never make you late to your next class. I dismiss in this fashion so that I can finish
explaining any information that needs to be conveyed before you leave.
Substitute Policy
 If I have to miss school, a substitute will be given plans ahead of time and have a lesson
ready for you.
 You are to treat substitutes with the same respect you do any other teacher in the
building and follow their directions as if it came from me or another teacher.
Agenda Usage
It is extremely important for you to use your agenda on a DAILY basis.
Every HW assignment, test, quiz, project, etc. should be recorded in your agenda.
Agenda usage will be the key to your organizational support and therefore your overall
success in all classes.
I have read and reviewed the expectations for Mr. Bell’s class. I agree to meet these expectations and
know that Mr. Bell will treat me with fairness and respect while in his classroom.
Student Signature
I have read and reviewed the expectations for my child while she/he is in Mr. Bell’s room. I understand
the expectations and expect my son/daughter to meet them knowing that Mr. Bell will treat my child
with the utmost respect and equality while in his classroom.
Parent Signature
Printed Name
Parent Email
I have set the preceding expectations in order to foster the safest and most enjoyable learning
environment possible. I agree to treat all my students fairly and equally while in the classroom and will
make each lesson both informative and enjoyable.
Teacher Signature