My Prefixes are: The Definitions are: Example Words:

English 8
Vocab Unit 2
My Prefixes are:
The Definitions are:
Ant-, anti MonoMicro Macro Neo -
long, large
Example Words:
Antithesis (noun): anything opposed or forming a contrast (such as two contrasting ideas)
“No one knew his first name, and in general he was known in the country as Beauty Smith. To
antithesis was due his naming. He was extremely unbeautiful” (112). –White Fang by Jack London
Antipathy (noun): a strong or fixed dislike; feeling against; aversion
I have an antipathy to snakes; they really creep me out!
Monochromatic (adj): having or showing one color only
“The sky is like a monochromatic painting, drawing me in with its illusion of depth, pulling me up”
(299). –Paper Towns by John Green
Monogram (noun): person’s initials combined in one design
Towels with a monogram are a traditional wedding present.
Microcosm (noun): a little world, the universe in miniature
The petri dish is a microcosm of a bacteria society.
Microwave (noun): a comparatively small electromagnetic wave
“Mostly we just play video games and watch TV and for dinner we eat microwavable meals” (176). –I
am Number Four by Pittacus Lore
Macroscopic (adj): visible to the naked eye
You don’t need the microscope to look at things that are macroscopic.
Macronutrient (noun): a nutrient element of which relatively large amounts are needed for plant growth (such
as calcium, phosphorus, etc.)
I tried to give my plant as many macronutrients as I could, but it still died.
Neologism (noun): a new word, expression, or usage
Nancy used a neologism when she said that the movie was “okayish.”
Neonate (noun): a newborn infant, especially one less than four weeks old
“She didn’t have time to be picky, not once she got offered the job as the head nurse of the new
neonatal unit at Ridgemont Hospital” (13). –The Haunting of Sunshine Girl by Paige McKenzie