Writing Workshop – 2 Quarter nd

English 8
Name: ____________________________
Block: _________________
Writing Workshop – 2nd Quarter
Okay, everyone! We hope you are as excited as we are . . . each one of you will be participating in
National Novel Writing Month during the month of November! We are going to compress our writing
time into the next 3 weeks so that everyone will get the experience of writing something really GREAT
for Na-No-Wri-Mo!!
Our goals for this period of time are:
 Students will produce a draft of creative fiction. The web site will total your word count for you,
and the number of words you submit at the end of November is tied to a grade.
 Students will utilize mini-lessons on the following topics by incorporating these writing skills into
their draft:
o Dialogue
 Content
 Punctuation
 Internal dialogue
o Direct / indirect Characterization
o Internal / External Conflict
o Choosing the best point of view
o Sentence structure strategies
 Short, simple sentences
 Parenthetical asides
 Parallel sentence structure
 Using ellipses and dashes to communicate meaning
 Students will be given an opportunity to revise and edit their pieces during December – the
focus of November is producing the rough draft.
In order to help you do this, your English teachers are trying to sign up for as much lab and laptop time
as possible. You are also reminded of your time in resource and at home. You are also encouraged,
during November only, to bring in your own devices for word processing, such as laptops and tablets.
We take no responsibility for the security of these devices, including having them in your locker.
However, if you would like to bring them to use during class, they are welcomed during this time.
You will receive two grades for this assignment. One will be a drafting grade that will be taken at the
end of November, and will be based on how well you met your word goal. Another grade will be taken
on your final-copy draft towards the end of the quarter.
Draft Grade:
4000-3500 words = A range
3499-3000 = B range
2999-2500 = C range
2499-1500 = D range
Anything under 1500 words will result in an F. Let’s try *really* hard not to have that happen!
3500 – 3000 words = A range
2999-2500 = B range
2499 – 2000 = C range
1999 – 1000 = D range
Anything under 1000 words will result in an F. Let’s try *really* hard not to have that happen!
Remember that if you want published copies of your work, you need to be meeting your goal. Although
the goal can be adjusted, it is your responsibility to stay on top of it.
Final Grade Honors
Purposeful Dialogue (you must prove intent)
Sentence Structure Strategies (you must prove the use of 2)
Using Indirect Characterization
Revising / Conferencing
Punctuation of Dialogue
75 points
Final Grade Academic:
Written Expression / Voice Goal (choose from purposeful dialogue, layered conflict, choosing an
appropriate point of view)
Sentence Structure Strategies (you must prove the use of 1)
Using Indirect Characterization
Revising / Conferencing
Punctuation of Dialogue
75 points
** This grade may be changed by the end of December. We will update you as we go. This final grade
is also determined by individual conferences, much like our conferences at the end of first quarter.