Making the Grade with 8 Grade English 2014 - 2015

Making the Grade
with 8 Grade English 2014 - 2015
Sharpen your pencil and grab a book! We believe that each of you is capable of succeeding,
provided you put forth genuine and consistent effort. Prepare yourself for a year that is challenging,
enjoyable, and most of all… rewarding!
What will I do in Reading/Writing Workshop?
The 8th grade curriculum emphasizes higher-level thinking skills through reading and writing.
Each block will be divided between Reading Workshop and Writing Workshop. Throughout the year,
you will reflect on your progress as a reader and writer.
Our Reading Workshop will include novels and short stories from many genres. You will
analyze author’s craft by examining both story elements and literary elements. These observations
will be used to create supported evaluations and projects.
Our Writing Workshop will focus on the techniques of creative and technical writing.
Throughout the year, you will draft, revise, and edit your writing as you conference with your peers
and your teacher. Your drafts and published pieces will be saved in a year-long writing portfolio.
How will my grade be determined?
The English department will be using a points-based grading scale this year.
80% - Summative (Tests, Projects, Quizzes, Published Writing Assignments)
20% - Formative (Mini Writings, Exit Slips, Skill Checks, Project Planners, Classwork)
o Book Club activities may include both summative and formative assessments.
Our goal is for you to leave 8th grade able to confidently apply each learning target. To
achieve this goal, reteaching and retakes may be offered. Please keep in mind that retakes will
not be given solely to improve a grade.
How will CLARITY be used?
Once CLARITY’s Parent Portal is accessible, you and your parents will have the ability to view
upcoming assignments and current grades.
T = Turned in, but not yet graded (Does not impact overall grade.)
X = Excused (Does not impact overall grade.)
Z = Missing Assignment (Averaged into overall grade as a zero, but MAY be turned in late
for partial credit.)
Assignment Comment: Teachers may use the Assignment Comment to communicate
areas of concern, need for reteaching, and/or details regarding Missing Assignments.
What is expected in the classroom?
1) BE PROMPT! You will be marked tardy if you are not in the classroom when the bell rings.
2) BE POLITE! Be courteous and respectful to others in all words and actions. Raise your hand
and be recognized before you speak out. Remember to be respectful of the opinions of your
peers, especially during class discussions.
3) BE PREPARED! Bring your materials every day, including an independent reading novel,
and be sure to complete all of your assignments. Using your agenda will help!!! All students
must complete all assignments. Late assignments will only receive partial credit.
4) BE HONEST! You will receive a failing grade on an assignment if you cheat or plagiarize.
Remember… you may neither give nor receive assistance on quizzes, tests, and graded
What should I bring to class?
Your Simpson Agenda *Remember that your agenda is
always your first source of information regarding assignments
and homework.
1½” binder with 5 dividers
2 pocket folders
Loose-leaf paper
Post-It Notes
o Package should be multi-colored (See examples at right.)
 Independent Reading/Book Club Novel (E-readers are
allowed at your own risk. YOU are responsible for your device.)
How can I contact a teacher?
We encourage each student to take ownership of his/her
learning. Send an e-mail to your teacher if you have questions outside
the school day. We will reply as quickly as possible.
Parent interaction is a vital part of our children’s education. Parents are encouraged to call,
571.252.2840, or send an email with questions, comments, or concerns. Although we will return
your call/email as soon as possible, please allow twenty-four hours for response time.
Please reference the Simpson website for individual teacher schedules and contact
We are excited to get to know you as we enjoy a
fantastic year together!!! 