US History Syllabus Mrs. Mulloy

US History Syllabus
Mrs. Mulloy
Course Description:
This class will cover the history of the United States of America from colonization
to present day. Students will be exposed to maps, primary and secondary
sources, and other materials. Student will be learning to put history into political,
economic, social, and global contexts.
Course Expectations:
Students should come prepared to class with their materials every day and be ready
to learn. Students should remember that attendance is key to academic success and
should do their best to attend all classes. In addition, students should maintain
personal and academic integrity. Using and passing off another’s work as one’s own
or allowing work to be copied constitutes plagiarism and results in an automatic zero
and parental contact. Class will be a combination of discussion, lecture, independent
and group work. Also, outside projects will be given throughout the year.
Units of Study:
American Revolution
Creating a New Nation
Republican Revolution
Causes of the Civil War thru
Industrial and Progressive Age
Imperialism and World War I
Great Depression and New Deal
World War II
Cold War
Civil Rights
Modern America
Materials Needed:
 3 Ring Binder (separate from other subjects)
 Index cards and a ring or baggie to keep them in
 Colored pencils (optional)
 Textbook: Gerald A. Danzer, et al. The Americans (Boston: McDougal Littell,
Student grades will be counted on a point system consisting of various
assessments, including essays, projects, quizzes and tests. These assignments
are designed to enhance student learning and assess student progress. It is
important to complete these assignments in order to take an active role in
learning. Assignments must be received on the due date and must be completed
in order to receive full credit. The highest grade possible on late assignments
will be a C. Late assignments are only accepted one class period late.
Make-up Work:
1. Assignments assigned before the absence - If a student knew about
the assignment(s) before the absence it will be due the day they return.
In addition, quizzes or tests the student knew about will be made up
when the student returns.
2. Assignments given while the student was absent – It is the
responsibility of the student to check the “Make-up” folder in Mrs.
Mulloy’s classroom to pick up missed handouts, etc. Also you MUST
CHECK VISION when you are absent. Notes and homework will be
posted there.
3. Missed assessments (quizzes and tests) – On the day of your return
you must arrange a for a make-up test date. The quiz or test must be
made up within one week of your return unless you knew about the
Citizenship expectations:
Arrive on time and be prepared to work when the bell rings.
Remember that the teacher dismisses the class, not the bell.
Be respectful and courteous to all people in the class and in the
school building.
Clean up all your trash and put away any borrowed materials
before you leave class.
If there are any questions or concerns throughout the school year, do not hesitate
to contact me at or 571-434-4400
I look forward to an exciting school year.