ISS Curriculum Guide 7th Grade – Science Note: Throughout the year focus on word stems (prefixes/suffixes) in order to break words into their parts to further student understanding and prepare them for high school Biology. Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) 1st Semester Goal 1 The learner will describe and conduct investigations to demonstrate an understanding of scientific inquiry. 1.01-1.10 Student Friendly: I can create questions and hypothesize experiments by practicing lab safety procedures using data analysis. Priority E, M, I, N M Knowledge Targets **Vocabulary highlighted in the lists below is essential vocabulary that students should show mastery of by the end of this school year. Define: Scientific Method observation inference hypothesis control variable dependent independent variable constant evidence predictions data science analyze Understand the metric system. E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know Reasoning Targets 1.) Analyze and interpret data and graphs. 2.) Identify variables. 3.) Explain observations. 4.) Make inferences and predictions. Performance/ Skill Targets 1.) Practice safe lab skills. 2.) Use measurement to collect data 3) Create data tables, use and interpret them. 4.) Use the scientific method to conduct an investigation and solve a problem. 5.) Manipulate materials and equipment. 6.) Test hypothesis and communicate findings. Updated 6/10 Product Targets 1.) Lab report 2.) Science fair ISS Curriculum Guide 7th Grade – Science Note: Throughout the year focus on word stems (prefixes/suffixes) in order to break words into their parts to further student understanding and prepare them for high school Biology. Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) 1st Semester Goal 2 The learner will demonstrate understanding of technological design. 2.01-2.04 Student Friendly: I can use technology to solve problems. Priority E, M, I, N M Knowledge Targets Vocabulary: technology Reasoning Targets 1.) Identify scientific uses for technology. 2.) Identify that technology has many meanings. 3.) Use technology to make informed decisions about consumer products. 1st Semester Competency Goal 4: The learner will conduct investigations, use models, simulations, and appropriate technologies and information systems to build an understanding of the complementary nature of the human body system. 4.01 Analyze how human body systems work together to provide for the needs of the human organism. Student friendly: I can analyze how E- Essential M – Maintenance E Identify the roles of each system in maintaining homeostasis and PH. I – Important N – Nice to Know Performance/ Skill Targets Use a data base and/or other multimedia programs to answer scientific questions, interpret data, and draw conclusions based on the data only. Use various forms of technology to communicate findings. Give examples of how each system is dependent on other systems of the body. Updated 6/10 Product Targets ISS Curriculum Guide 7th Grade – Science Note: Throughout the year focus on word stems (prefixes/suffixes) in order to break words into their parts to further student understanding and prepare them for high school Biology. Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) Priority E, M, I, N Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets human body systems work together. (Must be taught directly with 4.02) 4.02 Describe how systems within the human body are defined by the functions they perform Student friendly: I can examine each body system and describe how its operation supports life. *NOTE: Focus on the circulatory, digestive, endocrine, immune, and reproductive systems to prepare students for high school Biology. 4.03 Explain the function of major organs and how they work with different body systems. Liver Heart Lung Brain E- Essential M – Maintenance E E Identify the functions of each system of the human body: Skeletal system Muscular Circulatory Digestive Endocrine Nervous Urinary/Excretory Reproductive Respiratory Immune (response) Integumentary Antibody Antigen Pathogen Locate and Identify the main function and structure of these organs in the human body with emphasis on the following: Liver Heart I – Important N – Nice to Know Determine ways organs work together with more than one system Updated 6/10 Product Targets ISS Curriculum Guide 7th Grade – Science Note: Throughout the year focus on word stems (prefixes/suffixes) in order to break words into their parts to further student understanding and prepare them for high school Biology. Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) Priority E, M, I, N E- Essential M – Maintenance Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Lung Stomach/Intestines Kidney brain Stomach/Intestines Kidney Student friendly: I can explain the job of the major organs and how they work with the rest of the body. 4.04 I can evaluate how certain systems help regulate internal body conditions. 4.05 I can analyze how a disruption in any system can cause the body to be imbalanced 4.06 I can describe the growth and development of the human organism 4.07 I can explain the effects of environmental influences on development of offspring and human health including: Smoking Alcohol Drugs 4.08 I can explain how understanding the human body systems can help make unformed decisions regarding health Knowledge Targets I I I N I I – Important N – Nice to Know Updated 6/10 Product Targets ISS Curriculum Guide 7th Grade – Science Note: Throughout the year focus on word stems (prefixes/suffixes) in order to break words into their parts to further student understanding and prepare them for high school Biology. Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) 1st Semester *Based on upcoming DPI revisions and student preparation for 8th grade and high school Biology. Priority E, M, I, N The learner will understand the processes, structures and functions of living organisms that enable them to survive, reproduce, and carry out the basic functions of life. Student friendly: I can classify organisms as being unicellular or multicellular. I can compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. I can differentiate between plant and animal cells and point out the major organelles and their functions. E Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Identify the following: Nucleus Cell wall Cell membrane Cytoplasm Chloroplasts Mitochondria Vacuoles Ribosomes Cellular Respiration Cell theory *If time allows continue teaching the rest of the cell’s organelles. E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know Updated 6/10 Product Targets ISS Curriculum Guide 7th Grade – Science Note: Throughout the year focus on word stems (prefixes/suffixes) in order to break words into their parts to further student understanding and prepare them for high school Biology. Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) 1st Semester Competency Goal 5: The learner will conduct investigations and utilize appropriate technologies and information systems to build an understanding of heredity and genetics 5.01 Student Friendly: I can explain how genes are passed from parent to child. I can explain what a trait is. Priority E, M, I, N E *NOTE: 9th and 10th grade Biology needs essential vocabulary reinforced. 5.02 Explain the role of reproduction in sorting and recombining genetic information from parents Student friendly: I can understand how genes combine. *NOTE: 9th and 10th grade Biology needs essential vocabulary reinforced. E- Essential M – Maintenance E Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Define: Gene Heredity Trait Allele Chromosome DNA Define: Mitosis Meiosis Gamete Fertilization Mutation Haploid Diploid Homologous Chromosome Crossing over I – Important N – Nice to Know Updated 6/10 Product Targets ISS Curriculum Guide 7th Grade – Science Note: Throughout the year focus on word stems (prefixes/suffixes) in order to break words into their parts to further student understanding and prepare them for high school Biology. Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) Priority E, M, I, N 5.03 Identify examples and patterns of human genetic traits Student friendly: I can understand how certain traits are expressed. *NOTE: 9th and 10th grade Biology needs essential vocabulary reinforced. E Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Define: Dominant allele Recessive allele Complete dominance Incomplete dominance Sex-linked Genotype Phenotype Heterozygous Homozygous Identify the difference between inherited traits and acquired traits 5.04 Analyze the role of probability in determining traits. Student friendly: I can predict the probability of a trait being inherited or not. E- Essential M – Maintenance Define: Punnett Square Pedigree Chart Probability/Ratios E I – Important N – Nice to Know Predict the passing of traits with a Punnett square for the following inheritance patterns: Complete dominance Incomplete dominance Sex-linkage ABO Blood System Updated 6/10 Product Targets ISS Curriculum Guide 7th Grade – Science Note: Throughout the year focus on word stems (prefixes/suffixes) in order to break words into their parts to further student understanding and prepare them for high school Biology. Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) Priority E, M, I, N Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Evaluate a pedigree chart to find evidences of patterns in heredity 5.05 Summarize the genetic transmittance of disease Student friendly: I can consider and analyze technological advancements in the field of genetics. 5.06 Analyze evidence that human characteristics are a product of Inheritance Environmental factors Lifestyle choices 2nd Semester E Explain the role of the following: Genetic diseases/disorders Genetic engineering Cloning I Competency Goal 6: The learner will conduct investigations, use models, simulations, and appropriate technologies and information systems to build an understanding of motion and forces E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know Updated 6/10 Product Targets ISS Curriculum Guide 7th Grade – Science Note: Throughout the year focus on word stems (prefixes/suffixes) in order to break words into their parts to further student understanding and prepare them for high school Biology. Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) 6.01 Demonstrate ways that simple machines can change force 6.02 Analyze simple machines for mechanical advantage and efficiency 6.03 Evaluate motion in terms of Newton’s Laws of motion Priority E, M, I, N Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets M N Student Friendly: I can give examples of Newton’s Laws. *NOTE: In order to help with high school Physical Science please focus on laws of motion. Knowledge Targets E Define: Friction Motion Newton’s Laws Inertia Acceleration Mass Analyze the motion of objects according to Newton’s laws Give examples of Newton’s laws in everyday life Recognize Newton’s laws of motion in action 6.04 Analyze that an objects motion is always judged in comparison to some other object or point. Student Friendly: I can evaluate objects in motion by comparing them to other objects within my frame of reference. Define: Frame of reference E *NOTE: In order to assist high E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know Updated 6/10 Product Targets ISS Curriculum Guide 7th Grade – Science Note: Throughout the year focus on word stems (prefixes/suffixes) in order to break words into their parts to further student understanding and prepare them for high school Biology. Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) Priority E, M, I, N Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets school Physical Science please focus on this objective. 6.05 Describe and measure quantities that characterize moving objects and their interactions within a system. Student Friendly: I can measure quantities of moving things to investigate motion. Describe characteristics of moving objects E Define: Time Speed Distance Velocity Center of mass Determine appropriate formulas to use to measure characteristics Measure Distance time mass force velocity and acceleration Use formulas to calculate those characteristics of motion *NOTE: In order to help with high school Physical Science please focus on solving problems with formulas. 6.06 Investigate/analyze real world interactions of balanced and unbalanced forces: Sports and recreation 2nd Semester I Transportation The human body Competency Goal 3: The learner will conduct investigations and utilize appropriate technologies E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know Updated 6/10 Product Targets ISS Curriculum Guide 7th Grade – Science Note: Throughout the year focus on word stems (prefixes/suffixes) in order to break words into their parts to further student understanding and prepare them for high school Biology. Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) Priority E, M, I, N and information systems to build an understanding of the atmosphere 3.01 Student Friendly: I can identify and describe the mixture of gases that make up the atmosphere I can describe the characteristics of each layer of the atmosphere E I can recognize that as altitude increases, air pressure decreases 3.02 Student Friendly: I can identify particles in the atmosphere that cause pollution I can identify ways in which ozone is both harmful and beneficial 3.03 Conclude that the good health of environments and organisms E- Essential M – Maintenance E E Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets Define: Atmosphere Density Cycle Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Air pressure Ozone Ultraviolet radiation Radiation Conduction Convection Infrared Radiation Define: Particulate Ozone Give examples of particulates Identify ways humans contribute to air quality and I – Important N – Nice to Know Use critical thinking to evaluate my behavior Updated 6/10 Product Targets ISS Curriculum Guide 7th Grade – Science Note: Throughout the year focus on word stems (prefixes/suffixes) in order to break words into their parts to further student understanding and prepare them for high school Biology. Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) Priority E, M, I, N requires: The monitoring of air quality Taking steps to maintain healthy air quality/reduce greenhouse gases Stewardship Student friendly: I can interpret air quality data and how it can affect my health. 3.04 I can evaluate how humans impact air quality including: Air quality standards Point and non point sources of air pollution in North Carolina Financial and economic trade offs Local air quality issues 3.05 Student Friendly: I can examine the properties of the atmosphere to predict weather conditions E- Essential M – Maintenance Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets ways humans can reverse the process of global warming. and its effect on air quality. Identify the weather effects of: Humidity Temperature Wind Air pressure Analyze weather data to predict changes in weather Performance/ Skill Targets I E I – Important N – Nice to Know Predict the probability of severe weather based Updated 6/10 Product Targets ISS Curriculum Guide 7th Grade – Science Note: Throughout the year focus on word stems (prefixes/suffixes) in order to break words into their parts to further student understanding and prepare them for high school Biology. Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) Priority E, M, I, N Knowledge Targets Define: Precipitation Relativity humidity Saturation Dew point Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets on current conditions Describe the formation of: Tornadoes Hurricanes Floods Storms Fronts Define the role of these in weather formation: Air mass Coriolis effect Evaporation Condensation 3.06 Evaluate the use of technology in studying atmospheric phenomena and weather hazards Satellites Weather maps (including weather symbols and weather stations) Predicting short and long E- Essential M – Maintenance I I – Important N – Nice to Know Updated 6/10 Product Targets ISS Curriculum Guide 7th Grade – Science Note: Throughout the year focus on word stems (prefixes/suffixes) in order to break words into their parts to further student understanding and prepare them for high school Biology. Top 10 EC ISS Student Friendly Learning Target (NCSCOS) Priority E, M, I, N Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Targets term weather (and accuracy of the predictions) Recording Communicating information about conditions (weather report) Student Friendly: I can evaluate the use of technology in studying the weather. E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know Updated 6/10 Product Targets