Creating the Constitution

Creating the Constitution
The Big Idea
The delegates to the Constitutional Convention
created a new form of government for a new
Constitutional Convention
• 12 states sent delegates to Philadelphia
• they are known as the Framers
• many of the most famous names of the revolution
were not there
• Patrick Henry, John Hancock
• Decided to make a NEW constitution
• The hard part was figuring out how to
• Many big issues needed to be fixed
Inside/Outside Circles
• Use the information I will provide and the
book to outline the important aspects of
your issue.
• You will then get into groups and share
with each other to fill out the graphic
Representation in Congress
Continuing slaves within
population to determine
Commerce and Slave Trade
Granting Congress the power to
regulate foreign and interstate
Virginia Plan
• Written mostly James Madison
• A major overhaul to the current system
• proposed a new government
• 3 branches & a bicameral Congress
• Representation based on state population.
• more people more representatives in congress
• Congress chooses a National Executive and
New Jersey Plan
• Not as many changes proposed as the
Virginia plan
• Unicameral Congress
• States are all represented equally in congress
• The federal executive should be more than one
• Chosen by congress
Great Compromise
• Also known as the Connecticut Compromise
• Because Connecticut delegate proposed it
• Used parts of both the New Jersey and
Virginia Plans
• Bicameral Congress
• House of Representatives based on states population
• Senate based on every state has the same number
• three branches of government
Three-Fifth's Compromise
• This dealt with how slaves should be counted
in order to figure out representation
• the Southern States were afraid the Northern
States would get the most representation
because they had a larger population of nonslaves
• it was decided that every 5 slaves would count
as 3 white citizens
Commerce & Slave trade act
• Congress was given the power to regulate
• Southern states were worried the Northern states
would try to regulate or stop slavery
• It was decided that
• Congress was forbidden to tax the export of goods
from any state
• Congress was forbidden to act on the slave trade for
20 years