Suffix Study Guide Name: _________________________________ Suffix – a word part added to the ________ of a ____________ word. A suffix changes the ___________ of the _______________ word. SUFFIX SUFFIX MEANING EXAMPLE -ful full of Hopeful -able, -ible capable of being, able to be understandable, edible -ness state of, condition of being Kindness -less without, not having, free from fearless, homeless -y, -ly in a certain manner, characteristic of, full of rainy, softly -ous, -eous, -ious possessing the qualities of, full of poisonous, spacious -en made of Wooden -en to cause to have, to cause to be Strengthen -ment, -ion, -tion state of being, act or process of entertainment, rotation -er, -or, -ist person connected with actor, artist -ic having the characteristics of Artistic -ent to form, someone or something that causes existent, absorbent, dependent