– SY 2012 – 2013 (Year B) German Level IV/V/AP Autobiography/Biography

German Level IV/V/AP– SY 2012 – 2013 (Year B)
THEME : Personal and Public Identities
Recommended pacing: 5 - 6 weeks Teachers need to
appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the
class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the
objectives of the unit.
TOPIC B: Autobiography/Biography
National/State Standards:
GIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in German on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.
GIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in German.
GIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written German found in a variety of authentic sources.
GIV.4 The student will relate information in German, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and
GIV.5 The student will present in German student-created and culturally authentic essays, poetry, plays, and/or stories.
GIV.6 The student will analyze in German how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of German-speaking cultures.
GIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in German class and content studied in other
subject areas.
GIV.8 The student will discuss in level-appropriate German the effects of cultural similarities and differences on social, economic, and political relationships
in the global community.
GIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the German
GIV.10 The student will apply German language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational,
educational, and occupational purposes.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion about your life experiences
compared to those of another person.
• Interview someone you admire about his or her life
• Explore how a personal resume is written in
Europe and the United States.
• Compare and contrast life experiences
from various generations.
• Demonstrate comprehension of content from
authentic biographical texts.
• Evaluate and interpret written and audio texts and
materials from autobiographical accounts.
(Facts & Skills)
Adverbs of time, place, and
Infinitival constructions
Narrative past tense (including
modal verbs)
• Make connections between life stories of people
in other times (in German-speaking Europe) and
contemporary biographies (in the United States).
• Identify local German-speaking
communities and cultural events.
• Produce oral and written reports on personal
biography, biography of another person.
• Present the information collected in a personal
aufwachsen (wächst auf, wuchs auf, ist aufgewachsen):
to grow up
das Einzelkind, -er: only child
geboren: born
(Persönliche Eigenschaften)
brav: good, well-behaved
ehrlich/unehrlich: honest/dishonest
German Level IV/V/AP– SY 2012 – 2013 (Year B)
die Jugend/der/die Jugendliche, -n: youth/young person
minderjährig/volljährig: minor, underage, of full age
der Wohnort, -e: place of residence
der (Personal)ausweis, -e: personal ID
der Stammbaum, -bäume: family tree
der Bekannten(Freundes)kreis, -e: circle of
acquaintances (friends)
sich interessieren für: to be interested in
sich ändern: to change
sich erinnern an (+acc.): to remember
die Beziehung, -en: relationship
das Altenheim, -e: old age home
der Friedhof, -höfe: cemetery
leiden an (+acc.) (litt, gelitten): to suffer from
sterben an (+dat.) (stirbt, starb, ist gestorben): to die
das Schicksal: fate
der Zufall, -fälle: coincidence
bewundern: to admire
beneidenswert: enviable
eigenartig: quirky
empfindlich: sensitive
fleißig/faul: hard working/lazy
frech: fresh, bold
freundlich: friendlich
gemein: mean
großzügig: generous
höflich/unhöflich: polite/impolite
kinder/tierlieb: fond of children/animals
lebenslustig: fun-loving
neugierig: curious
oberflächlich: superficial
streng: strict
ungewöhnlich: unusual
zuverlässig: reliable, dependable
schlecht/gut gelaunt: in a bad/good mood
sympathisch: kind, empathetic
intelligent/klug: intelligent/smart
Modal verbs, simple past tense, personal traits and physical characteristics
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs.
Stationen, Wien (Station 10, pp. 282-297; readings on Sigmund Freud [p. 283] and Helmut Qualtinger [p. 297])
German in Review pp. 32-43, 145-157, 255-259
Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik, pp.87-98, 258-268, 344-353
“Zeitsätze”, Mitlesen-Mitteilen p. 88
LeMO Biography Archive: http://www.dhm.de/lemo/suche/biographien.html
Suggested Interpretive Task
Read the poem “Zeitsätze” and rewrite the story in prose.
Make a group interpretive video of
“Zeitsätze” in which each participant
represents and discusses one of
various stages of a student’s life.
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Suggested Presentational Task
Two students play the roles of famous
people and interview each other about
their lives.
Present a poster depicting the life of a
person you admire.
Tell your life story to your classmates,
including things no one would know (“Ich
bin’s” assignment).
German Level IV/V/AP– SY 2012 – 2013 (Year B)
THEME : Science and Technology
TOPIC B: Medicine
Recommended pacing: 5 - 6 weeks Teachers need to
appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the
class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the
objectives of the unit.
and Health
National/State Standards:
GIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in German on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.
GIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in German.
GIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written German found in a variety of authentic sources.
GIV.4 The student will relate information in German, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and
GIV.5 The student will present in German student-created and culturally authentic essays, poetry, plays, and/or stories.
GIV.6 The student will analyze in German how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of German-speaking cultures.
GIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in German class and content studied in other
subject areas.
GIV.8 The student will discuss in level-appropriate German the effects of cultural similarities and differences on social, economic, and political relationships
in the global community.
GIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the German
GIV.10 The student will apply German language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational,
educational, and occupational purposes.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion related to a healthy lifestyle.
• Discuss and/or debate the German and American
health-care systems.
• Express and explain current health-care concerns
among teenagers.
• Explore attitudes regarding health care and
alternative medicines.
• Compare and contrast attitudes toward
health and fitness in Europe and the
United States.
• Make connections between European-made
medicines and medical products and their use in
the United States.
• Explore the history of medical and scientific
• Explore attitudes toward health-care
in your own community or your school
and compare them to issues in German
speaking communities.
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from
authentic audio visual texts relating to health.
• Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials
on health.
(Facts & Skills)
Reflexive pronouns with verbs
Verbs with dative objects related
to health (“Es tut mir weh,” etc.)
Idiomatic preposition usage
(“leiden an,” “allergisch sein
gegen,” etc.)
Adverbial expressions
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in
society related to health care.
abnehmen (nimmt ab, nahm ab, abgenommen): to lose
zunehmen (nimmt zu, nahm zu, zugenommen: to gain
erschöpft: exhausted
der Krampf, Krämpfe: cramp
kratzen: to scratch
tödlich: deadly, fatal
German Level IV/V/AP– SY 2012 – 2013 (Year B)
das Gewicht, -e: weight
Übergewicht haben: to be overweight
die Haut: skin
wiegen (wog, gewogen): to weigh
die Grippe: flu
husten: to cough
heilen: to heal
sich erholen: to recover
die Gehirnerschütterung, -en: concussion
bewusstlos: unconscious
blass: pale
die Diät: diet
gefährlich: dangerous
sich ausruhen: to relax, rest
der Schmerz, -en: pain
niesen: to sneeze
schwanger sein: to be pregnant
der Unfall, -fälle: accident
die Verletzung, -en: injury
sich verletzen: to get injured
erschnupft: stuffy (nose)
sich hinlegen: to lie down
die Impfung, -en: vaccination
sich kümmern um: to take care of
das Pflaster, -: band-aid
das Röntgenbild, -er: X-ray
das Rezept, -e: prescription
sich bewegen: to move
Reflexive verbs/pronouns, health vocabulary, body parts vocabulary
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs.
“Die Wahrheit über unser Essen,” http://www.br.de/fernsehen/bayerischesfernsehen/sendungen/gesundheit/themenuebersicht/ernaehrung/ernaehrung-essen-mythen100.html
German in Review pp. 197-203
Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik pp. 246-257
Komm mit 3, “Fit ohne Fleisch,” p. 16
Roentgen (film), http://shortsbay.com/film/roentgen
http://www.gesundheit.com/ : Good website with short articles about health topics (possibly good for Socratic
http://www.dicke-deutsche.de/ : Website about healthy weight reduction
http://gwsg.net/eltern/koma-saufen : “Koma saufen”; article on teenage drinking
Suggested Interpretive Task
Read “Koma saufen” (or another
article related to a current health
issue) and compare drinking habits
of European teens with those of
American teens.
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Socratic Seminar in which students
discuss merits and problems of
American and German health-care
Suggested Presentational Task
Work in groups to provide a publicservice announcement on a health-care
German Level IV/V/AP– SY 2012 – 2013 (Year B)
THEME : Contemporary Life
TOPIC B: Career
Recommended pacing: 5 - 6 weeks Teachers need to
appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the
class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the
objectives of the unit.
and Education
National/State Standards:
GIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in German on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.
GIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in German.
GIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written German found in a variety of authentic sources.
GIV.4 The student will relate information in German, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and
GIV.5 The student will present in German student-created and culturally authentic essays, poetry, plays, and/or stories.
GIV.6 The student will analyze in German how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of German-speaking cultures.
GIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in German class and content studied in other
subject areas.
GIV.8 The student will discuss in level-appropriate German the effects of cultural similarities and differences on social, economic, and political relationships
in the global community.
GIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the German
GIV.10 The student will apply German language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational,
educational, and occupational purposes.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion related to education and
• Express opinions about various types of careers.
• Explore the European/German higher education
• Research pathways to various kinds of careers
in Germany/Europe.
• Compare and contrast the American
and European school and university
• Demonstrate comprehension of content from
authentic audio visual texts relating to careers.
• Evaluate and interprets written texts and materials on
careers and education
• Produce oral and written reports on careers and
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting societal trends and/or attitudes
related to careers and education
• Make connections between career and technical
education in Germany and the United States.
die Verwaltung, -en : administration
fehlen: to be absent
die Schule besuchen : to attend school
• Explore career opportunities with
German/European companies in your
(Facts & Skills)
Future and future perfect tenses
Gender roles in European
countries as related to career
Adjective endings
German/European university
Correlative conjuctions
(“sowohl…als auch” etc.)
ausgeben, gab aus, ausgegeben : to spend (money)
das Gehalt, Gehälter: salary
tätig sein: to be busy (employed)
German Level IV/V/AP– SY 2012 – 2013 (Year B)
das Wahlfach, -fächer : elective (school) subject
das Abitur ablegen; die Abschlussprüfung bestehen,
bestand, bestanden : to graduate high school
lernen : to learn or to study ( for a quiz or test)
studieren: to study (at the university level)
eine Frage stellen : to ask a question
das Stipendium, Stipendien : scholarship (money)
der Privatunterricht, die Nachhilfe: tutoring, tutelage
das Angebot, -e : offer
die Nachfrage, -en : demand
begegnen (sein + dative) : to meet, encounter
verdienen : to earn
gründen : to found
der Vertrag, Verträge : contract
sich bei einer Firma bewerben (bewirbt, bewarb,
beworben): to apply for a job
einstellen : to hire
entlassen : to fire
vorübergehend entlassen (entlässt, entließ, entlassen) :
to lay off
der Lebenslauf, -läufe : resumé
German/European school and university systems; future tense; adjective endings
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs.
Stationen pp. 71-102 (Heidelberg)
Komm mit 3 pp. 326-351
Mitlesen-Mitteilen p. 3; 26; 32 (listening exercise)
German in Review pp. 59-86; 329-335
Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik pp. 102-110; 186-203
Suggested Interpretive Task
Listen to “Ein Posten ist Frei”
(listening text) in Mitlesen-Mitteilen
and make up additional interview
questions for Herr Konrad.
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Conduct an interview for a job (job
Write a letter to a university
admissions office or a technical school
explaining why you should be
Socratic Seminar about various career
Suggested Presentational Task
Use words from the vocabulary list
to explain why you are a good
candidate for a particular job.
Write a statement that would be
included in a job application
explaining your qualifications.
German Level IV/V/AP– SY 2012 – 2013 (Year B)
THEME : Global Challenges
Recommended pacing: 5 - 6 weeks Teachers need to
appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the
class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the
objectives of the unit.
TOPIC B: Politics
National/State Standards:
GIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in German on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.
GIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in German.
GIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written German found in a variety of authentic sources.
GIV.4 The student will relate information in German, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and
GIV.5 The student will present in German student-created and culturally authentic essays, poetry, plays, and/or stories.
GIV.6 The student will analyze in German how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of German-speaking cultures.
GIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in German class and content studied in other
subject areas.
GIV.8 The student will discuss in level-appropriate German the effects of cultural similarities and differences on social, economic, and political relationships
in the global community.
GIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the German
GIV.10 The student will apply German language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational,
educational, and occupational purposes.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion related to politics.
• Discuss and/or debate political issues.
• Explain the party system in Germany.
• Explore German attitudes toward politics.
• Compare and contrast government
structures and political parties in
German-speaking Europe and the United
• Demonstrate comprehension of content from
authentic audio and written texts relating to politics
• Produce oral and written reports on current events in
German-speaking countries.
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in
society related to politics.
• Make connections between history, government,
sociology and German studies.
(Facts & Skills)
Subjunctive I for indirect
quotations (for recognition)
Passive voice
Subordinating conjunctions
Vocabulary about politics and
• Explore the German, Swiss and
Austrian political systems, using the
embassies of these countries as
abstimmen: to take a vote
die Regierung, -en: the government
wählen: to vote
die Wahl, -en: election
der Wahlkampf, -kämpfe: the election campaign
der Widerstand, -stände: resistance
das Eigentum: property, possession
der Fortschritt, -e: advance
die Freiheit, -en: freedom
gleichberechtigt: on equal footing with
die Gleichberechtigung, -en: equal rights
die Meinungsfrage, -n: opinion poll
German Level IV/V/AP– SY 2012 – 2013 (Year B)
die Werbung, -en: advertisement
die Wettbewerb, -e: contest, competition
der/die Arbeitslose, -n: unemployed person
die Arbeitslosigkeit: unemployment
der Auβenminister, -: foreign minister
sich beschweren: to complain
besprechen (bespricht, besprach, besprochen): to
die Bevölkerung, -en: population
die Öffentlichkeit: public (n.)
der Steuer, -n: tax
der Terrorismus: terrorism
verändern: to change
verhandeln: to negotiate
der Verteidigungsminister, -: defense minister
der Streik, -s: strike
Passive voice, conjunctions
Tagesschau daily newscast; always available at http://youtube.com. (Search for the most recent broadcast, from the previous day.)
http://www.bpb.de/politik/grundfragen/parteien-in-deutschland/ (Description of German political parties from the
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. The main site is also very good for general information about politics in
http://www.presseportal.de/pm/40363/2062368/39-prozent-der-schueler-interessieren-sich-fuer-politik-fuer-61prozent-der-deutschen-kinder-und (Article about a survey of student attitudes toward politics in Germany.)
http://www.tagesschau.de/kinder/ (Short audio reports, usually audio, dealing with everyday questions of concern to children.)
German in Review pp. 175-193; 207-226; 287-293.
Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik pp. 152-170; 382-395; 397-412
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Find an article from an online Germanspeaking newspaper about a political
question or event and summarize it (in
writing or speaking).
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Suggested Presentational Task
In small groups, students represent the
various German political parties; the
groups debate a political issue.
Create a survey to determine the level of
interest in politics among students in your
Field trips to embassies of Germanspeaking countries and the Goethe
Give a weekly current-events report on
the local politics of a German-speaking
Report to the class the results of your
survey about student attitudes toward
German Level IV/V/AP– SY 2012 – 2013 (Year B)
THEME : Families and Communities
TOPIC B: Social
Recommended pacing: 5 - 6 weeks Teachers need to
appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the
class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the
objectives of the unit.
Customs and Values
National/State Standards:
GIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in German on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.
GIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in German.
GIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written German found in a variety of authentic sources.
GIV.4 The student will relate information in German, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and
GIV.5 The student will present in German student-created and culturally authentic essays, poetry, plays, and/or stories.
GIV.6 The student will analyze in German how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of German-speaking cultures.
GIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in German class and content studied in other
subject areas.
GIV.8 The student will discuss in level-appropriate German the effects of cultural similarities and differences on social, economic, and political relationships
in the global community.
GIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the German
GIV.10 The student will apply German language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational,
educational, and occupational purposes.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion related to family relationships.
• Discuss and/or debate changes in traditional roles in
modern society.
• Explore the structure of the German family
• Compare and contrast attitudes toward
organized religion in German and the
United States
• Demonstrate comprehension of content from
authentic audio visual texts relating to societal changes
• Evaluate and interprets written texts and materials on
societal changes
• Make connections between historical contexts
and current attitudes towards religion.
• Produce oral and written reports on family history.
(Facts & Skills)
Impersonal “es” expressions (“es
gibt,” “es brennt,” etc.)
Subjunctive II (unreal/conditional
sentences, polite requests and
Family vocabulary
• Explore family history in your own
community or your school and compare
them to issues in German-speaking
• Identify local German-speaking
communities and cultural events.
ähnlich: similar, similarly
das Arbeitsleben: work life, career
begegnen (sein, + dat.): to meet, encounter
Begleiter,- /die Begleiterim, -nen: companion
dazu gehören to belong with
der Einfluss, -flüsse: influence
die Rente (no pl.): pension
der Rentner, - / die Rentnerin,-innen: retiree
scheinbar: apparently
schrumpfen (ist geschrumpf): to shrink
selbsverständlich: taken for granted, self-evident
sich sorgen (hat sich gesorgt): to worry about, take care
German Level IV/V/AP– SY 2012 – 2013 (Year B)
die Entwicklung, -en: development
der/die Erwerbstätige, -en: employee
der/die Familienangehörige, -n: family member
das Fortbewegungsmittel,- : means of transportation
die Fremde (pl.): foreign countries
die Gesellschaft, -en: society
die Gewohnheit, -en : habit
der Lebensabschnitt, -e: phase of one’s life
die Lebensumstände (pl): living conditions, life
das Mitglied, -er: member
die Pille, -n: (birth control) pill
regelmäβig: regular, regularly
der Ruhestand (no pl.): retirement
der Spaziergang, -gänge: walk
der Staat: government, state (jemandem)
trauen : to trust (s.o.)
(ein Paar) trauen: to marry (a couple)
die Unübersichtlichkeit, -en: confusion, mess
die Unabhängigkeit (no pl.): independence
das Vaterland: native country, country of origin,
sich verbergen (verbirgt, verbarg, verborgen): to hide
verbringen (verbrachte, verbracht): to spend (time)
sich verwandeln: to change (into s.th. else)
die Wirtschaft: economy
die Zukunft: future
Passive voice, subordinating conjunctions, family vocabulary
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs.
http://www.tagesschau.de/kinder/ (Short audio reports, usually audio, dealing with everyday questions of concern to children.)
Stationen pp. 183-188 (Reading piece about changes everyday life in Germany.)
Mitlesen-Mitteilen pp. 25-34 (“Famile in Kürze”); also other readings about changing gender roles.); pp. 134-135 (“Die Rolle des
Vaters…”); p. 9 (“Das Café,” “Mädchen oder Frau”); CD track 17, “Sonntag Vormittag” listening passage
German in Review pp. 227-253
Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik pp.282-300
Suggested Interpretive Task
(In connection with the piece from
Stationen) Find examples of the seven
trends discussed in the piece, for the
United States.
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Suggested Presentational Task
Interview classmates and others about
their immediate and extended families;
report to class on this interview.
Research and present your family
Research and present the life of a
person in your family from the oldest
living generation; describe his/her life in
the past 50 years, compared with today.
German Level IV/V/AP– SY 2012 – 2013 (Year B)
THEME : Beauty and Aesthetics
Recommended pacing: 5 - 6 weeks Teachers need to
appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the
class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the
objectives of the unit.
TOPIC B: Literature
National/State Standards:
GIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in German on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.
GIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in German.
GIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written German found in a variety of authentic sources.
GIV.4 The student will relate information in German, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and
GIV.5 The student will present in German student-created and culturally authentic essays, poetry, plays, and/or stories.
GIV.6 The student will analyze in German how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of German-speaking cultures.
GIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in German class and content studied in other
subject areas.
GIV.8 The student will discuss in level-appropriate German the effects of cultural similarities and differences on social, economic, and political relationships
in the global community.
GIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the German
GIV.10 The student will apply German language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational,
educational, and occupational purposes.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion related to literature and literary
• Express opinions and react to a literary work.
• Explore attitudes when reacting to literature.
• Compare and contrast German and
English literature.
(Facts & Skills)
Particle words and adjectives
Relative pronouns and clauses
(with both definite and indefinite
relative pronouns)
• Demonstrate comprehension of content from
authentic literary works.
• Evaluate and interprets written and spoken literary
• Make connections between literary genres in the
German and English curricula.
• Produce an oral or written presentation
of reviews of literary works.
aufführen : to perform
ausdrücken: to express
ausführlich: detailed
betonen: to stress
darstellen: to portray
das Drehbuch, -bücher: script
• Explore German-language cultural
resources in your own community, such
as the Goethe Institut, the GermanAmerican Heritage Museum, and the
embassies of the German-speaking
der Höhepunkt, -e: highlight
der Reim, - e: rhyme
der Schriftsteller,- : writer
die Auflösung,-en: denoument
die Ausgabe,- en : edition
die Belletristik : fiction
German Level IV/V/AP– SY 2012 – 2013 (Year B)
die Er-Erzählung, -en: third-person narrative
das Gedicht-e: poem
das Gleichnis-se: simile
die Handlung, -en: plot
der Höhepunkt, -pünkte: climax
die Ich-Erzählung, -en: first-person narrative
der Konflikt, -e: conflict
die Kurzgeschichte, -n: short story
das Sachbuch,-bücher: non-fiction
das Schicksal,-e: fate
das Stück,-e: play
das Taschenbuch,-bücher: paperback book
das Vorwort, -e: preface
das Zitat, -e: quote
der Absatz,-sätze: paragraph
der Antiheld, -en: anti-hero
der Auszug,-züge: excerpt
der Charakter, -e: character
die Figur, -en : character
der Dichter, - : poet
der Erzähler, - : narrator
die Einleitung,-en: introduction
die Epik : epic
die Gattung,-en: genre
die Handlung,-en: plot
die Hauptfigur,-en: protagonist
die Ironie : irony
die Metapher,-n : metaphor
die Novelle,-n: novella
die Poesie : poetry
die Redensart,-en: cliché
die Sage,-n : legend
die Strophe, -n: verse
die Tragödie,-n: tragedy
die Übersetzung,-en: translation
poetisch : poetic
satirisch : satirical
sich reimen auf : to rhyme with
ungekürzt: unabridged
veröffentlichen : to publish
zitieren : to quote
Relative pronouns/clauses
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs.
http://www.literaturwelt.com/epochen.html (German website on literary epochs)
http://www.wer-weiss-was.de/theme73/article3878191.html (Video book review of “So was von da”; short blog entry, “Wie
kozentriert lessen?
http://www.spiesser.de/node/229431 (Ten-paragraph article, “Jeder Schüler sollte klassische Literatur lessen!”; a good text for a
Socratic Seminar)
Mitlesen-Mitteilen pp. 218-219 (“Die sich aufopfernde Frau”, p. 79 “Trümmerliteratur”; p. 232, “Kafkaesque”; CD track 21, “Der
Panther” ); pp. 275-276, Die Kurzgeschichte”
“Erlkönig”, J.W. von Goethe, and “Dalai Lama,” Rammstein
Suggested Interpretive Task
Listen to and re-write one of the listening
passages from the CD used with
Read a literary text (poem or prose)
and summarize in German.
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Suggested Presentational Task
Socratic Seminar on what kinds of
literature students should read.
Create a review of a book or story and
present it to the class.