Name________________________ English ________ Period ________ Date_________________________ 1984 or Lord of the Flies

English ________ Period ________
Dialectical Journals for 1984 or Lord of the Flies
Directions: If reading 1984, complete one dialectical journal for each chapter. If
reading LOF complete two entries per chapter. You must do twenty. (This gives
you four entries you can skip—in the case of 1984 that would be four
chapters, and in LOF that would be four entries) Re-create the format used
below on your own paper. Using a two-column format like the one modeled below,
copy a quoted line or passage in the left column. For the quoted line or passage,
choose something that strikes you as interesting, important, memorable, or even
questionable or disturbing. What does the passage mean? For the personal
response, you might think about the following:
How do the ideas in the text relate to our lives?
What is the main idea or underlying value (theme)?
What is the author’s purpose/perspective?
What is the importance of its structure?
How does the author’s style help its meaning?
Journal for:____________ (title, author’s name, chapter)
Quoted line/passage (include internal
Your Response
“The synagogue resembled a large
Wiesel is about to be deported from his
railroad station: baggage and tears.
hometown. The imagery he creates
The altar was shattered, the wall
through the parallel structure of the
coverings shredded, the walls
second sentence not only describes the
themselves bare. There were so many
physical destruction but also how the
of us, we could hardly breathe. The
people must feel. This is the place that
twenty-four hours we spent there were
Wiesel spent so much time at the
horrendous” (Wiesel 22)
beginning of the book and now the time
there is “horrendous.”
English ________ Period ________
A break-down of numbered entries for your information:
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Lord of the Flies
Part One, eight chapters
12 Chapters---select two passages/
Part Two, ten chapters
quotations from each chapter
Part Three, six chapters
3 pts for each copied quotation or passage (must be exact, cited with page number)
5 pts for each response
8 x 20 = 160 pts---(equivalent to about FIVE quiz grades!)
DUE: Friday, June 3
TOTAL: 24 possible dialectical journals; you must complete 20 journal entries
Extra Credit
Find current news articles, comic strips, etcetera that reference your novel or use
its principles whether in topic or theme. Include MLA citation for where you found
the source. You may find up to three articles for extra credit. Each one is worth
up to 5 points.