Study Guide Interwar Period

Study Guide
Interwar Period
1. How did people obtain liquor illegally during Prohibition?
2. What issues did the New Deal address?
3. What were the effects of the Great Depression?
4. What was the impact of the Stock Market Crash?
5. What was the nickname for the day the stock market crashed in 1929?
6. Why was it difficult to enforce the prohibition laws?
7. What business practices helped contribute to the stock market crash of 1929?
8. Which New Deal program employed people to build roads and buildings and hired professional musicians and
actors to create entertainment for the public?
9. Which New Deal program hired men to build a series of dams to prevent flooding and generate electricity to a
poor rural area?
10. What were “Hoovervilles”?
11. What was the significance of the Scopes Trial?
12. What were the main causes of the Great Depression?
13. Which mass media and communication tool became popular during the 1920s?
14. What was the long term effect of the Smoot-Hawley Act?
15. What was Franklin Roosevelt’s sweeping legislative agenda called?
16. What was the goal of the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)?
17. Which New Deal agency was created to restore public confidence in banks?
18. What was the impact of the National Labor relations Act (Wagner Act) on labor unions?
19. What did the Social Security Act do?
20. How did the New Deal change the role of the federal government?
21. How did Hoover want to respond to the depression?
22. What was the Dust Bowl?
23. How did FDR attempt ease American minds during the depression?
24. What was the goal of relief measures?
25. What was the goal of recovery measures?
26. What was the goal of reform measures?
27. What was the difference between the Republican response to the Great Depression and the Democrat
response to the Great Depression? (10 points)