CHARACTERIZATION in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Characterization refers to the techniques used by writers to develop characters. The four basic methods of characterization are: Physical description: The author may provide detailed descriptions of the character’s appearance and physical characteristics. Narrator’s comments: The narrator can make direct comments about the character’s nature. Character’s speech, thoughts, feelings, and actions: A character’s nature may be revealed through his or her own speech, thoughts, feelings, or actions. Other characters’ speech, thoughts, feelings, and actions: Other characters within a story can serve to reveal a character by what they say, think, and feel and how they act toward the character. As you read Sir Gawain, use the webs to give examples of the methods of characterization used. Use the web below for Green Knight and the web on the back for Sir Gawain. Please include LINE NUMBERS to indicate where you find your information. Physical description: Character’s speech, thoughts, actions: Green Knight Other characters’ speech, thoughts, actions: Narrator’s comments: Physical description: Character’s speech, thoughts, actions: Sir Gawain Other characters’ speech, thoughts, actions: Narrator’s comments: