Original Ballad Assignment Now that we have examined ballad structure and content, you are going to write your own. Please follow the steps in order to complete this assignment: Step 1: Review the definition of ballad and review ballad handouts. Step 2: Find a newspaper article (from within the past two months) that focuses on a tragic event. Step 3: Write a ballad about the selected newspaper article. Rubric: News Article Focuses on a tragic event Event occurred within the past two months Original Ballad Content 2-4 line stanza structure Action is developed through dialogue Focuses on retelling a tragic event Demonstrates elements of repetition, including a refrain 12-line MINIMUM! Rhyme Scheme - abcb Mechanics/Usage/Grammar Spelling is correct Capitalization is correct Point Value _____ /5 Point Value _____/20 _____ /5 TOTAL: __________/30