The Daly Weekly: 9/22/14

The Daly Weekly: 9/22/14
DRA to form reading groups
Chapter Book Reading for stamina and
Reading Log
Math: Place Value, Rounding, Comparing &
Rounding large numbers to thousands, ten
thousands, and hundred thousands place
Review all place and value concepts
Rounding Quiz on Friday
Word study groups on Wednesday to go
over sort
Treasure Map and Hand Project prewriting
DLR letter writing editing
DLR Quiz on Friday
Word Study test on Friday
VA Studies: VA Products and Industries Map
Product and Industries of Va Regions
Regions Quiz on Friday
Your Daly Dose
Lunch Time: 12:15pm
Please have your student begin wearing deodorant during the day to school, as some of the students get sweaty at recess and PE and their body odor
begins to be an issue here within our classroom. NO perfume or cologne, please!
The Reading Log is due at the end of the first grading period. Students should read 10 books and record these on the log. It is in the yellow homework
folder. They may record books read at home and at school. These should be chapter books for fiction (at least 100 pages each). Students can get my
approval on certain books if there is a question.
Most students are doing a great job of getting their planners signed each night. Ask your student about how many punches he or she has received on
his/her punchcard so far this quarter! If you read this Monday Memo, draw an apple in your child’s planner beside your signature.
Keep collecting and sending in the box tops. I will be going over the parent volunteer sign ups soon as well. This year an additional form is
required before a parent may volunteer. I will sent those home next Monday and parent volunteer will be starting in Early October.
Thanks to all of the families who have joined the PTO so far this year! Please join- it’s only $10 and they do so much for our school!
Please do not bring your student’s homework to school if it is forgotten at home. Make it your child’s responsibility to put it in the backpack each
evening when it is completed. Students do not get credit for homework if it is not here first thing in the morning!
Monday was the first collection date for the magazine sale. Next Monday is the second collection date.
Star Student for the Week: Connor Ng
Three Truths and a Fib
1. I fed a dolphin before
2. I have done 86 push ups in a row
3. I have gone to Disney 3 or 4 times
4. I have carried a boa constrictor before