Chapter 5 – Minerals Vocabulary

Chapter 5 – Minerals Vocabulary
In YOUR OWN WORDS rewrite each definition and draw a picture to illustrate the meaning of each word.
Atomic number – The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
Carbonate – A non-silicate mineral that has as its major building block one carbon atom covalently bonded to three
oxygen atoms
Cleavage – The tendency of a mineral to split along planes of its crystalline structure where bonds are weakest.
Compound – A substance that contains atoms of two or more elements that are chemically combined.
Crystal – A solid substance in which the atoms or ions are arranged in an orderly pattern that repeats over and over
Element – A substance composed of atoms that are chemically alike and that cannot be broken down into simpler parts
by ordinary chemical or physical means.
Fracture – The property of a mineral that describes an irregular pattern of breakage in a direction other than along
cleavage planes.
Ion – An electrically charged atom or group of atoms.
Isotope – Any of two or more forms of the same chemical element that differ in atomic mass.
Luster – The property of a mineral that describes the quality or appearance of light reflected from its surface.
Mass number – The sum of the numbers of protons and neutrons in an atom.
Metal – An element that loses electrons easily to form positive ions.
Mineral – A naturally occurring inorganic solid with a distinct chemical composition and crystalline structure.
Mineralogy – The study of minerals and their properties.
Molecule – A group of atoms linked together by chemical bonds.
Nonmetal – An element that gains electrons easily to form negative ions.
Oxide – A mineral consisting of a metal element combined with oxygen.
Rock-forming mineral – A specific group of minerals known to form rocks.
Specific gravity - The ratio of the weight of a substance to the weight of an equal volume of water; property used to
identify minerals.
Streak – The property of a mineral that describes its color in powdered form.
Sulfide – A mineral consisting of a metal element combined with sulfur.