Chapter 24 – The Moving Ocean Vocabulary Read each definition, rewrite the definition IN YOUR OWN WORDS, and then draw a picture to illustrate the definition. Apogee: The point farthest from Earth in the moon’s orbit. Cold-core ring: An offshoot stream from an ocean current that forms a ring with a core of cold water. Countercurrent: A surface ocean current that flows in the opposite direction of the wind related current. Density current: A subsurface current that is heavier or more dense than the surrounding water. Ocean current: A continuous flow of water along a broad path in the ocean. Perigee: The point closest to Earth in the moon’s orbit. Surface current: An ocean current that generally flows in the upper 1000 meters of the ocean and is primarily driven by the wind. Tides: The periodic rise and fall of the ocean surface due to the gravitational pulls of the moon and sun. Upwelling: The vertical movement of cold, deep, ocean water toward the surface. Warm-core ring: An offshoot stream from an ocean current that forms a ring with a core of warm water.