CENTRAL ELEMENTARY 4083 Wilkesboro Highway Statesville, NC 28625 704.876.0746

4083 Wilkesboro Highway
Statesville, NC 28625
The following compact pledges our school community to increase
student learning in all subjects including Reading and Math skills so
that all students will be proficient by the end of each year,
Kindergarten through Fifth Grade.
Parents Pledge: I will
 Communicate with my child’s teacher on a regular basis to obtain
information about my child’s learning.
 Support the instructional programs implemented at school by
assisting my child at home with assigned homework.
 Read daily with my child for a minimum of 20 minutes.
 Encourage my child to adopt outside interests and goals that
would incorporate skills related to objectives learned in school.
 Attend conferences and events related to my child’s learning.
Students Pledge: I will
 Seek help from my teacher and parents if I know I need help.
 Complete my assignments both at school and for home using the
skills I have learned.
 Read materials of different genres on a daily basis.
 Keep a data notebook to track my progress.
 Develop outside interests or hobbies to use the skills I have
learned in school.
Staff/Teachers Pledge: I will
 Develop a positive relationship with my students and their
 Develop a positive working relationship with staff and peers.
 Be an active participant in Professional Learning Communities at
my school.
 Motivate and promote student learning with vigor.
 Develop an intervention plan to address individual student’s gap
 Monitor student progress by analyzing and recording assessment
and classroom data.