¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to Spanish! I am looking forward to an exciting year and I am sure you are too. Below are the classroom policies and rules that will be vital to a successful year. Please keep your copy of these rules in the front of your notebook for future reference and familiarize yourself with them. MATERIALS 3x5 index cards (LOTS!) dry erase markers traditional blue or black pen red pen 3 ring notebook straight-edged white notebook paper 501 Spanish Verbs – (recommended for levels 3 and 4 but not required) HOMEWORK/ CLASSWORK *All work must be written legibly in pencil or traditional blue or black ink and corrected in red ink when gone over in class. *Homework will be graded sometimes for completion and effort and sometimes for accuracy. LATE WORK IS NOT ACCEPTED! *If you are in school for any part of the day your assignment is due on time. *Homework will be posted daily on the website. MAKE UP POLICY *If you are present the day a test is announced you are responsible for taking it on the regularly scheduled day. A one-day absence does not exempt you from taking a test or quiz scheduled for the next class. * If you have been absent it is your responsibility to check online or with me the day you return to find out what you missed. The day a student returns from an absence, regardless of whether he/she has Spanish that day, warm-ups, notes, and assignments must be obtained, and any work, projects, presentations, etc. due on the day missed must be turned in/made up at the beginning of the period on the day the student returns to school. You can also email me for missed work. I check my email during school hours so plan accordingly. If you email me the night before your class you will not have enough time to get my response. *If you have missed a test or quiz you will have to make it up during your study hall. Please note that if you are making up a VCQ you will not be able to pick your verb or have a choice between verbs. There is no extra credit available on make up tests or quizzes. You must take the test/quiz at the regularly scheduled time to receive these incentives. *If you skip a class you will receive a zero on any work due that class and any graded work done during class including, but not limited to, test, presentations, and projects. CLASSROOM *All regular school rules are, of course, in effect at all times. EXPECTATIONS*Discourteous behavior is not tolerated with your peers or with the teacher. *When the tardy bell rings you must be in your seat or you will be counted tardy. The school tardy policy will be enforced. I dismiss class, not the bell. *You are expected to work up to the bell. *Please encourage your students to limit the times they leave class. Students will not be allowed to leave class to fill up water bottles or for drinks. We have a precious amount of time and these exits are a disruption to class and students miss valuable class time. *Textbooks, notebooks, workbooks, notes, pens, and index cards are to be brought to class daily. These should also be brought home each night in the event of an unexpected absence. The second time in a quarter you come to class without your materials you will be assigned lunch detention. Any times thereafter will result in further disciplinary action being taken. *You must ask in Spanish to go to the restroom. *Your student will be given a page the first week of school with class policies and procedures that they should use as a reference and familiarize themselves with to aid in their success in the class. EXTRA HELP There are NHS tutors available for extra help. Contact me for a list. Phoenix is a wonderful way for me to communicate your child’s progress in my class. I strongly encourage you to check it regularly and discuss your child’s performance with them. If you have any questions, concerns, problems, etc. please talk to me as soon as possible. The school phone number is 571-252-2300 and my e-mail address is Kim.Rios@lcps.org Please sign this letter acknowledging you have read it. This first assignment is due back to me the class period after it has been received. Thank you for your cooperation and support. Together we can make this a productive, successful and enjoyable year. Sincerely, Mrs. Kimberly Ríos ________________________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE __________________________ DATE __________________________________________________________STUDENT’S EMAIL ADDRESS ________________________________________________________ __________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE DATE If I have your permission to correspond with you via email concerning your child’s progress, grades, and/or behavior please provide me with your email address below. __________________________________________________________EMAIL ADDRESS WHERE I MAY CONTACT YOU (PLEASE PRINT NEATLY)