Mrs. Emanuel’s Third- Grade Class Welcome Parents! Partners in Education Making this your child’s best year- TOGETHER! Ways to contact me: at school - I will call you back as soon as time permits. 703.957.4425 or Send a note in your child’s agenda All About Me My background I grew up in NY and moved to Ashburn 21 years ago. I live in the community and have 3 children. Brigid, Meg and Aidan. My experience This will be my 15th year teaching. This is my 10th year in Legacy. I have taught third, fourth, first and sixth grades. Third is my favorite. My Goals Build a caring and fun classroom where your child feels loved and respected and is willing to take risks. Teach the whole child. Encourage a love of learning. Challenge the students by continuously raising “the bar”. Word Study Study of spelling patterns, not just memorizing words. Will work on same words for TWO weeks. Tests every other Friday. Homework nightly No word study on short weeks and during SOLs Students will be asked to spell unfamiliar words that follow the sort pattern for that week. Starts- Mid September Math Flex Grouping Students are placed into classes based on pre-test performance for each concept Students work with multiple teachers and a variety of students throughout the year. MATH- Just the facts! Reflex Math- will be used in school and at home. Goal of program is fact fluency. Starting with memorizing basic facts and will develop concepts throughout year. At home practice is essential to success Language Arts Centers Guided Reading Moving from learning to read to reading to learn. Writers workshop Writing process Writing for a variety of purposes Homework Homework is given nightly (not Fridays!) . A minimum of 15 minutes of reading is required. Math homework is given 3-4 times per week. Word study homework is given nightly. Schedule of weekly assignments are glued into word study notebooks. Homework should not cause TEARS! STOP at 30 minutes! Homework Agendas Homework is written down daily in agendas. I sign the agendas each day. Check and sign your child’s agenda daily. Daily behavior report is written in agenda. Agenda is a communication tool between home and school. Report Cards Report card this year: Letter grades Effort Grades Number Grades Graded work will receive a 1, 2, 3, or 4. Letter grades will only be on report cards. SOLs Series of assessments given to the students during last two weeks in May. Areas covered: Math and Reading Tests are cumulative, covering material from K-3. Additional information is sent home in April. Classroom Management • Pizza slices are earned for exceptional behavior • Whole pie means the class gets a special treat • Helps children work together as a team Clip-Up system Purpose is to reward positive behavior and remind the students to make better choices when needed. Positive Behavior Support All Labs B.A.R.K. Be ready Act Responsibly Respect Everyone Kindness Counts Hallways, Bathrooms, Cafe Specials Our weekly specials are: Monday- ART Tuesday- Library, PE & Reading Buddies Wednesday- PE, Music & Reading Buddies Thursday- Guidance (A) Search (B) & Music Friday- PE, Computer Lab LUNCH/RECESS Lunch is from 11:25-11:55 Recess- 12:0012:20 We will have morning snack! Snack Healthy snacks only! We have food allergies in our room. NO NUT PRODUCTS! Please ONLY send snacks that are on our “Approved Snack List” Working Snack- please nothing needing utensils. Birthdays • Due to allergies and other health concerns, we no longer celebrate birthdays with treats. • There are other options- such as goodie bags, recess equipment or a book donation to the class or school library. • Invitations cannot be passed out in class unless the entire class is invited. SPOTLIGHT Student of the Week • Chance for children to share about themselves • Poster will come home when it is your child’s turn • Students fill in poster at home • Student can bring in a few items to share • Sharing items go home each day! • Pictures in plastic baggies are encouraged! Book Orders • Sent home periodically • Great prices! • No obligation • Checks only- made payable to “Scholastic Books”. • Online ordering is available “TIME FOR KIDS” • The third grade will be subscribing to “TIME for KIDS”. It is a wonderful and age appropriate resource to introduce the children to current events. • Pre-pay for subscription • Cost is $5.00 • Can take money/checks tonight • Checks payable to Legacy ES A few requests… • Please send in a plastic snack container to hold crayons. • Please send in photos of your child “Making Each Day Count” to put on our wall in the back. • If anyone has an old digital camera that they would like to donate to our class, it would be appreciated very much! Questions? Let’s have a great year!