Industrialization and Imperialism Scramble Where did the Industrial Revolution start? England

Industrialization and Imperialism Scramble
Where did the Industrial Revolution start? England
What types of natural resources did Britain/England have? Coal, iron ore, waterways
This movement started in England and it involved the production of more food, leading to a larger population.
Agricultural Revolution
Using machines instead of human power is known as what revolution? Industrial Revolution
Prior to the Industrial Revolution these were in place. People mainly worked out of small houses and hand-crafted
all products. Cottage Industries
Since Europe was running out of these, they began colonizing Africa and Asia. Natural resources(raw materials) and
The creator of the steam engine. James Watt
The creator of the cotton gin. Eli Whitney
The creator of the process for making steel. Henry Bessemer
The creator of the smallpox vaccine. Edward Jenner
The man who discovered bacteria. Louis Pasteur
These organized in order to improve pay and working conditions during the Industrial Revolution. Labor unions
What class of people grew during the Industrial Revolution? Middle class
During the Industrial Revolution, people began moving from rural areas to cities to work in factories. This is known
as what? Urbanization
The Boers fought against this country: Great Britain
These were 5 impacts of Industrialization. Improved standards of living for some, rise of the middle class, improved
transportation, improved education, and new roads
This rebellion took place in China in order to rid China of foreign domination. It resulted in China allowing for
reforms from the West (like no Footbinding) but they still were resistant to European ways. Boxer Rebellion
This event led to the partitioning (dividing up) of Africa by Europeans. Berlin Conference
The idea that Europeans had a duty to take care of and educate their colonial peoples. White Man’s Burden
The Sepoy Rebellion happened in India. It was caused in part by the British allowing Hindu widows to remarry.
The writer of the Wealth of Nations. Adam Smith
An economic system that focuses on a free market and entrepreneurial opportunities with a laissez-faire gov’t.
The writer of Communist Manifesto who believed the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. Karl Marx
An economic system formed as an alternative to capitalism. It focuses on redistributing wealth so that all people are
equal. Communism
A stronger country taking over a weaker country politically, economically, and socially is known as Imperialism.
4 motives of European Imperialism. National pride, racism, economic competition, missionaries
The 2 continents that European imperialists focused on. Asia and Africa
3 inventions that allowed Europeans to take over Asia and Africa more easily. Maxim gun, Steam Engine, Railroads
An area completely controlled by an outside nation. Colony
A form of Imperialism where local leaders were left in charge but Europeans told them what to do. Protectorate
An area in which an outside power claimed exclusive investment or trading privileges. Sphere of Influence
This country opened up Japan to trade through treaties. United States
China(country) is an example of spheres of influence (meaning European countries controlled their trading
China was resistant to opening up to European ways, but they had to because of internal problems.
Japan opened up because of America, and once they did, they adopted Europe’s central government, Britain’s naval
power, and America’s education system. They also participated in Imperialism by taking over Korea.
This was built in Egypt and paid for by Britain. It allowed people to take a shortcut between Asia and Europe. Suez
Opium addiction and internal problems caused China to open up.
Three technologies that led to the Agricultural Revolution. Seed Drill, Crop Rotation, Enclosure Movement
These two religions in India made it harder for Indians to unite against Britain. Hinduism and Islam(Mughal)
Five positives and Negatives of Imperialism: New Roads, New Hospitals, New Schools, New Diseases, New Telephone
Wires, Traditional Cultures were destroyed, Lost land and independence