3C’s Monday Memo

3C’s Monday Memo
May 9, 2016
Math: This week we will reviewing previous
units including place value, computation,
estimation, and fractions. Hopefully I can
remember to put all SOL I test 7 quizzes on green
for homework. : )
Memorizing math facts is very important in 3rd
grade. REFLEX has begun. User name is
kfedders and then students will need their birth
date month/date. Also, Dreambox can be
completed at home any day of the week and
allows your child to work at his/her level.
Social Studies: We will continue the Explorers
Unit. Notes will be in the social studies notebook.
Reading: This week’s focus is using references
materials to find information, especially the table
of contents. We will also be reading released
SOL passages and answering questions, paying
close attention to key words.
Your child should have the Reading Log and Raz
Kids log in the homework binder for easy access
so you can monitor progression. Some students
have already completed the reading log!
Writer’s Workshop:. Our current writing
project of a fractured fairytale is in its final
stages. They are fantastic!
This week we be writing autobiographies.
Students will bring a timeline home for parents to
help them fill out.
We will also begin to practice for SOL language
test by completing released tests together.
www.howmanysyllables is a good place for your
child to practice breaking words into syllables.
Look for syllable quiz. The students have played
it here so should be able to find it.
SOL reading am on May 20th
SOL math am on May 26th
Check the Lowes Island website to order a
complete school supply kit for your child.
Everything is included in one payment.
Parent chaperones were are. Mr. Urbaniak, Mrs.
Scanlon, and Mrs. Daily. If you still wish to join
us and you didn’t get drawn, you are welcome to
follow the bus in your car or meet us there. All
parents joining us will need money if they choose
to eat lunch at the museum. Museum policy is no
food brought. Please let me know if you plan to
join us.
I have heard from Mrs. Lam, Mrs. Le, & Mrs.
Hine who plan to meet us at the museum.
Anyone else? We should arrive by 9:30.
PE is on M, T & TH please be sure your child
has appropriate shoes. Please have your child
wear them to school – changing hasn’t been
working out.
If students have any games, performances,
meets, etc. they would like me to attend, please
send dates and times. I would love to see them
and will try to work it into my schedule. : )
If you have read this memo, print out a copy and
sign for your child. He/she will receive an extra
sticker for good behavior chart!!
Mrs. Feddersen
On Lowes Island home page, there are more
available sites to use.