New York Stock Exchange

New York Stock Exchange
Enron was a publicly traded company
whose shares were listed on the New
York Stock Exchange and were bought,
held and sold by individuals and entities
throughout the United States and the
Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC)
Enron and its directors, officers and
employees were required to comply with
regulations of the United States Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC). Those
regulations protect members of the investing
public by, among other things, requiring that a
company’s financial information is fully
accurately reported and fairly presented to the
The regulations require, among
other things, that a company
submit filings to the SEC in
Washington, D.C. that include fair
and accurate financial statements
and management discussion and
analysis of a company’s business
Factors influencing the price
of Enron’s stock
 Earnings
 Debt
 Cash flow
 Credit rating
 The company’s potential and consistent
ability to meet revenue and earnings and
The importance of the
investment grade rating
An investment grade rating was essential to Enron’s
ability to enter into trading contracts with its
counterparties and to maintain sufficient lines of
credit with major banks. In order to maintain an
investment grade rating, Enron executives were
required to demonstrate that its financial condition
was stable and that the risk that Enron would not
repay its debts and other financial obligations was
The credit rating agencies relied on,
among other things, Enron’s public filings,
including its financial statements filed
with SEC, in rating Enron’s debt. In
addition, members of Enron’s senior
management spoke regularly with, and
provided financial and other information
to, representatives of credit rating
The indictment
Kenneth Lay, jeffrey K. Skilling, ad Richard A.
Causey were indicted to have engaged in a wideranging scheme to deceive the investing public,
including Enron’s shareholders, the SEC, and others
(the victims), about the true performance of Enron’s
businesses by:
Manipulating Enron’s publicly reported financial
results; and making public statements and t about
Enron’s financial performance and results that were
false and misleading in that they did not fairly and
accurately reflect Enron’s actual financial condition
and performance, and they omitted to disclose facts
necessary to make those statements and
representations fair and accurate.
The Board of directors
Kenneth Lay was the chairman of the Board of
Directors. The Board periodically reviewed Enron’s
operations, financial results, proposed transactions
and executive compensation. Lay and Skilling also
attended meetings of the Board’s Commitees,
including the Finance Committee served as a
“monitor for the Company’s financial activities” ad
reviewed and approved the company’s significant
financings, debt levels, and performance of portfolio
assets, among other things.
Due to the efforts of Lay, Skilling, Causey and their
conspirators, the financial appearance of Enron
presented to the investing public concealed the true
state of Enron. Enron’s publicly reported financial
results and filings and its public descriptions of itself
did not truthfully present Enron’s financial position,
results from operations, an cash flow of the company
and omitted facts necessary to make the disclosures
and statements that were made truthful and not
September 2001
Lay, Causey and their conspirators engaged in
a series of high level meetings to discuss the
rowing financial crisis at Enron and the likely
impact on Enron’s credit rating. Among other
things, as Lay and Causey knew, the total
amount of losses embedded in Enron’s assets
and business units was, at a minimum, $7
Lay and Causey determined that Enron
could not publicly report a loss in excess
of $ 1billion without triggering negative
action by Enron’s credit rating agencies.
Lay and Causey Thus artificially capped
Enron’s losses at that amount, by among
other things, manipulating accounting
standards in order to conceal additional
October 2001
On October 16, 2001, when Enron announced
losses of approximately $1 billion, Lay and
Causey sought to minimize the import of the
reported losses and continued to make false
and misleading statements to the market about
Enron’s financial health.
On October 22, 2001,Enron announced that it
was the subject of an SEC investigation
December 2001
On December 2, 2001, Enron filed
for bankruptcy, making its stock,
which than a year earlier had been
trading at over $80 per share,
virtually worthless