A Hands Free Human-Computer Interface Using Processed Head Motion Sarah Brown

A Hands Free Human-Computer Interface Using
Processed Head Motion
Sarah Brown1, Robert Schilling2, Stephanie Schuckers2, Edward
In the modern world, computer use has become essential for many everyday tasks such as
electronic communications, information gathering, and recreational activities. The current
computer interface set up of a mouse and keyboard requires the user to have full use of his or her
hands. Unfortunately, many people do not have sufficient use of their hands due to injury or
illness and are thus unable to use a computer using traditional hardware [1].
Some alternative interfaces have been developed using electroencephalograms (EEGs)
and eye motion, however these require a great deal of expensive hardware, require significant
processing time, and only give the user limited control [2-5]. More recently, development has
focused on systems that monitor head motion either electromechanically or optically. These
systems can provide faster speeds and more control, but they are often very expensive and
difficult or awkward to use [6]. Additionally, many of these systems utilize mouth controls to
some degree, which can by hygienically troublesome.
This poster presents a simple and effective low cost optical system for implementing
mouse operations using processed head motion. The system consists of several basic, off the shelf
components including a webcam, a headset, a wide angle LED, and a voice activated switch.
Images from the webcam are analyzed using a combination of MATLAB and C++ software in
order to determine the position of the user’s head. The LED is attached to the headset as a
reference point to simplify the image processing task. This head position data is then transformed
BS Candidate, Electrical Engineering, Clarkson University Honors Program, Class of 2008, Poster
Advisor, Clarkson University ECE Department
using a non-linear transformation into a corresponding screen position that is used to control the
mouse pointer. Clicking operations are accomplished using the voice activated switch.
This system was tested on small group of subjects. Each subject first completed a short
calibration procedure in order to build an accurate transformation matrix. He or she was then
trained on the use of the system using a simple icon selection task. Once the subject was
comfortable using the system, he or she completed a series of simple day to day tasks including
icon selection, typing using the on-screen keyboard, and web browsing. As a reference, each
subject also completed the same tasks using a traditional mouse.
In the icon selection task, the subjects had an average decrease in throughput of 2.63
bits/s, or 76.6%, when using the head mouse system instead of a manual mouse. The decrease in
accuracy, however, was small with an average decrease of approximately 11%. The typing and
web browsing tasks showed similar results, with speeds decreasing by 68.1% and 84.3%,
Future work on this system includes the integration of speech recognition using
Microsoft’s Speech Software Development Kit. This more advanced speech recognition should
allow for more advanced clicking operations such as right clicking, dragging and dropping, and
double clicking. Additionally, increased typing speed could be achieved using speech-based text
Works Cited
[1] S. Trewin and H. Pain, “A model of keyboard configuration requirements,” Behav. Inform
Technol., vol 18, no 1, pp. 27-35, 1999.
[2] G. A. Rinard, R. W. Matteson, R. W. Quine, and R. S. Tegtmeyer, “An infrared system for
determining ocular position,” ISA Trans, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 3-6, 1980.
[3] N. Gravil, P. A. Griffiths, R. Potter, and A. Yates, “Eye control of microcomputer,” Comput.
Bull. Serial, vol. 3, pp. 15-16, 1985.
[4] J. R. Lacourse and F. C. Hladik, Jr., “An eye movement communication-control system for
the disabled,” IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. vol. 37, pp. 1215-1220, Dec. 1990.
[5] Z. A. Keirn and J. I. Aunon, “Man-machine communications through brain wave processing,”
IEEE Eng. Med. Biol., pp. vol. 37, pp. 1215-1220, 1990.
[6] D. G. Evans, R. Drew and P. Blenkhorn, “Controlling mouse pointer position using an
infrared head-operated joystick,” IEEE Trans. Rehab. Eng., vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 107-117, 2000.