Modelling and Simulation of Load Connected Fixed Blade Wind Turbine with Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators Ahmed S. Al-Toma ( Maysam Abbod ( Gareth A. Taylor ( Brunel Institute of Power Systems, Brunel University London, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, UK iabc vabc Vw C Vdc Filter G ωm PWM PWM Controller Fig. 1 PMSG connected to the grid or load Index Terms—Fixed Blade Wind Turbine, Load Connected, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator. I. DC/AC iabc Grid / Load AC/DC Abstract- This paper presents the modelling and simulation of a wind turbine driven Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator connected to a load. The system has been tested at different wind speeds. The machine side controller has been designed to match Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) to obtain high extraction of wind power when connected to a load, while the load side controller fixes the DC voltage that is converted to the AC load voltage. Detailed plots of voltage and current profiles are also presented in the paper. On the other hand, the battery is not necessary in case of connection of wind turbine generator system to the grid due to constancy of voltage and frequency in all points of grid. INTRODUCTION In recent years, there is a real orientation on production of clean energy, especially wind energy to keep environment within agreeable limit of constraints of noise and pollution. This led to produce wind energy with multiple considerations of control and protection to enhance the power system generation in a good performance of generation quantities such as voltage, frequency and power. To achieve that, wind energy has been controlled during the operation process to keep appropriate amount of power injected to the power grid or stored in batteries. Squirrel-Cage Induction Generators (SCIG) and Double – Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) are typically used in fixed speed systems. Generally fixed speed turbines are well-established, simple, robust, reliable, cheaper compared to those generators that used in variable speed Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS). Due to continuous variation of speed of wind during short period of time, the need of variable speed generators becomes necessary. On the other hand, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators (PMSG) are most recently used in generation of electrical power from the wind energy either in stand-alone operation or connected to the grid as shown in Fig. 1. In case of stand-alone, the connection of stored battery is necessary to maintain the electrical power injection to the building within rated limit in case of wind speed reduction. II. WIND TURBINE MODEL Wind energy is transferred to mechanical power through wind turbine and hence to the electric energy through generator. The kinetic energy in a flow of air through a unit area perpendicular to the wind direction per mass is converted to mechanical energy [1]. From Newton’s Law, the power captured by the wind turbine for an air stream flowing through an area A, and then generated by the wind is equal to [2]: 1 3 Pm AV C p ( , ) (1) 2 where ρ is the air density of values 1.1 – 1.3 (kg/m3), A is the area swept out by turbine blades (m2), V is the wind speed (m/s), Pm is the wind power (watts or J/s) and Cp is the power coefficient which can be expressed as a function of the tip speed ratio λ and pitch angle β given by [3] [4] [5] [6]: .R m (2) v where β is the pitch angle of the blade in degrees, R is the radius of the area swept out by blades turbine and ωm is the mechanical speed of the generator in rad/s. The power coefficient can be expressed in (3): C p ( , ) C1 ( 1 C2 i C3 C4 )e C5 i C6 (3) and a d i ωs 1 1 0.035 ( ) 0.08 3 1 (4) Vd Id The coefficients parameters of (3) are: C1 = 0.5176, C2= 116, C3 = 0.4, C4 = 5, C5 = 21, and C6 = 0.0068 In ideal case, the power coefficient Cp reaches a maximum value equal to Cp = 0.593 which means that the power extracted from the wind is always less than 59.3% and is designed as Betz 's limit. In practice, values of obtainable power coefficients are in the range of 40 %. This value below the theoretical limit is caused by the inefficiencies and cause by a various aerodynamic losses which depend on the rotor construction (number and shape of blades, weight, stiffness, etc.). The performance power coefficient, Cp of a wind turbine is plotted against the tip speed ratio (TSR) λ to get the maximum values of Cp in all operation condition. Fig. 2 shows the plot of power coefficient with respect to tip speed ratio (TSR) for different values of pitch angle β. It is observed that the maximum power coefficient value Cp_max(λ,β)=0.48 for λ =8.1 in case of β = 0. This particular value of λopt results in optimal efficiency point where maximum power is captured from the wind by wind turbine. Фf Vq Fig. 4 d-q and abc axis of typical PMSG The output power is changed with the angular velocity ω for variable values of the wind speed. Therefore, the optimum values of P, Cp and λ should be taken in to account to get optimum design as shown in Fig. 3. III. PMSG MODELS Dynamic modelling of PMSG can be described in synchronous rotating reference frame where the q-axis is 90 degrees ahead of the d-axis with respect to the direction of rotation. Fig. 4 shows the d-q and abc axis of typical model of PMSG. The d-q stator voltages equations of this generator are given by (5) and (6) respectively [7], [8]: d f di (5) v gd Rg id Ld d e Lq iq dt dt diq d f (6) v gq Rg iq Lq e ( Ld id f ) dt dt where Lq and Ld are the inductances of the generator on the q and d axis, Rg is the stator resistance, ψf is the permanent magnetic flux and ωe is the electrical rotating speed of the PMSG defined as [9]: B=0 B=5 Cp B=10 0.2 B=15 B=20 0.1 TSR opt 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 e ( pn / 2)m 18 TSR Fig. 2 Variation of power coefficient with Tip speed ratio for different values of pitch angle 6 x 10 4 3 Pm(w) 2 1 0 -1 In the same manner, a, b, c variables can be obtained from the d,q variables through the Inverse of the Park’s transformation as shown below: sin t cos t 1 Vd Va V sin( t 2 / 3) cos(t 2 / 3) 1 V b q (9) Vc sin( t 2 / 3) cos(t 2 / 3 1 V0 -2 -3 100 200 300 400 500 600 Wm(rad/s) 700 800 900 (7) where pn is the number of pole pairs of the PMSG and ωm is the mechanical angular speed. Fig. 5 shows the equivalent block diagram of special wind turbine under test. From Park’s transformation, the d and q variables are obtained from a, b, c variables as defined in (8): Vd sin t sin( t 2 / 3) sin( t 2 / 3) Va V 2 cos t cos(t 2 / 3) cos(t 2 / 3) V q 3 b (8) V0 1/ 2 Vc 1/ 2 1/ 2 4 5 -4 0 b q Cp max 0.3 0 Iq c 0.5 0.4 θ 1000 Fig. 3 the Output Power with respect to ω for variable generator speed 2 where ωt = θr is the rotor angular position. The equation of electromagnetic torque can be obtained from the input power that is transferred through the air gap from the stator. The total input power that transferred from the stator is expressed in (10): Pin Vsaia Vsbib Vscic A. Machine Side Converter Control(MSC) In Machine side Converter, the controller is operated by two loops, inner and outer loops. In the inner loop, the d-q components currents have been controlled by adjusting appropriate values of currents reference. This part of controller has achieved the electrical dynamic of the machine. In outer loop, the mechanical dynamic has been controlled by adjusting the value of the optimum angular speed of the machine ωg. In this case the optimum speed has been controlled by selecting optimum value of tip speed ratio with respect to wind speed to ensure that the machine is running at optimum speed in any case of wind speed change and any transient will be overcome at any instant. It is obvious from (16), the electromagnetic torque has been influenced by iq , so it is easy to control this torque by controlling angular velocity which finally control quadrature axis current iq. By choosing a set point of angular velocity ωg, the maximum power point tracking have been done to get maximum power capturing from the wind during any change in wind speed. Since the system type is first order equation, Proportional Integral (PI) controller has a good effect to use in this case. This controller has a proportional parameter KP and integrator parameter KI, which have to be tuned in a proper way to get the optimum operation and response. The commanded q-reference current iqref is determined by speed controller and the output of PI controller is: (10) where Vsa , Vsb , Vsc are stator voltages. When the d-q reference quantities are rotate at ωr=dθ/dt, then the equation of the input power is transferred to the rotor is reduced in (11): 3 (Vd id Vq iq ) 2 Pin (11) where zero sequence quantities are neglected, the output power can be expressed in (12) : Pout 3 (r Ld id iq r miq r Lqiqid ) 2 (12) For the angular speed rotates with p number of poles, then the electrical speed in term of mechanical is ωr=(pn/2)ωm . Then the output power can be deduced to (13) with pn number of pole pairs: Pout 3 pnm ( Ld id iq miq Lqiqid ) 4 (13) By dividing the output power by ωm, the electromagnetic torque (Te) equation can be obtained by (14): Te 3 pn ( Ld id iq miq Lqiqid ) 4 iqref K p e K I e dt (14) where Kpω and KIω are the proportional and integral parameters of PI controller, while eω is the error between the reference speed and measured speed of generator. Depending on the q-axis reference current, the d-q controlled output voltage can be determined by the PI controller as shown below: If p is the number of pole pairs in the machine then the electromagnetic torque can be expressed in (15): Te 3 p(( Ld Lq )id iq m iq ) 2 (15) In addition, if it is a reasonable approximation where PMSG is assumed to be wound-rotor, then Ld= Lq, and the expression of the electromagnetic torque in the rotor can be described in (16) as [10]: Te 3 pn f iq 2 d m Te Tm F m dt (17) where J is the total moment of inertia, F is the viscous friction coefficient and Tm is the mechanical torque developed by the turbine. IV. V *d K pied K Ii ed dt r Lqiq (19) V *q K pi eq K Ii eq dt r ( Ld id m ) (20) where, Kpi and KIi are the a proportional and integral parameters gain of the current loop PI controller respectively, while ed and eq are the error of d-q current component as shown in (21) and (22) respectively : (16) The dynamic equation of the wind turbine is given in (17): J (18) ed idref id (21) eq iqref iq (22) The controlled output voltages V*d and V*q are transferred to abc voltages by means of Park inverse transformer to get the controlled values of 3-ph voltage which adjust the PWM to generate pulses of converter. CONTROL SCHEMES OF THE SYSTEM Since the output voltage and frequency have to be constant, the control system has been designed to perform that in both machine side and load side to keep all quantities within acceptable limit. B. Load Side Converter Control(LSC) In load side control, the DC voltage has been converted to AC by triggering 6-pulses IGBT device by PWM generator. 3 The values of triggered voltages have been selected by a proper value of DC link capacitor and inductor that can do this task. DC battery is able to supplement and maintain the voltage to the load when the wind speed is reduced to lower values. The setting value of the DC voltage through the capacitor, the output AC voltage will be fixed by controlling the output load currents that will be the input of the load side controller. In order to obtain only the active power to be transferred to the load, iq is adjusting and set to be zero. As well as current, the output voltages have been used in control system by Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) to maintain the phase shift of the voltages in synchronization with the line during the control process. battery have been fixed in the Simulink model as shown in Fig. 9. The first simulation for variable wind speed has operated in case of R-L filter. Then simulation has been done with this model of wind speed of 8, 12, 10 m/s to analyse the behaviour of the wind turbine when its operating point is less than the rated wind speed. The second simulation has been done with LCL filter. It is obvious that the system is operated well during the wind speed change. The generated voltages and currents and also the output of the voltages and currents are shown in Fig 10- 13. V. SIMULATION AND RESULTS In this work, the modelling of single machine, 3-phase fixed blade horizontal axis wind turbine direct train is connected to permanent magnet synchronous generator fed a load. The modelling has been done in Matlab/Simulink program to achieve the output results in time domain [10]. All parameters of the system have been used in real value to keep the system operation in real simulation and to avoid the conversion of real values to per unit values. The data of Table I have been applied to satisfy above model. Fig. 5 Wind Turbine model 15 12 Vw(m/s) TABLE I WIND TURBINE GENERATOR SYSTEM PARAMETERS Wind Turbine Parameters Radius of blade ( R ) 6m Density of the air ( ρ ) 1.11 Rated wind speed Vwind 12 m/s Maximum power coefficient (Cp) 0.48 Optimum Tip speed ratio ( λ ) 8.1 PMSG parameters Stator resister (Rs) 0.25 Ω Stator inductance (Lq=Ld=L) 0.6857 mH Permanent flux 0.0534 Wb Number of pole pairs (p) 24 Moment of inertia ( J ) 0.0001295 Kg.m3 Friction coefficient ( F ) 0.0001 N.m.s DC Link DC link Voltage 760 V Capacitor ( C ) 2.2 mF Inductor ( L ) 0.5 mH 8 4 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 T(s) Fig. 6 Variation of Wind speed with time 600 500 Wm(rad/s) 400 300 200 The generator is connected to the load through full load back-to-back IGBT converter which converted power AC/DC to control the output power of wind turbine. This voltage has been converted finally by the DC/AC inverter connected to the load. In the beginning of simulation, wind turbine shown in Fig. 5 has been tested and subjected to infinite values of the wind speed to get the variation of mechanical power and torque. It is shown that the wind turbine operates with rated wind speed of 12 m/s. The variation of wind speed Vw of the wind turbine with respect to time is shown in Fig. 6. The output mechanical power and torque that entered to PMSG are shown in Figs. 7– 8. The complete system includes: wind turbine, PMS generator, rectifier, inverter and normally closed switch of 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 T(s) Fig. 7 Variation of the output power (W) with respect to time 4 600 50 400 200 0 Te Tm Vg abc Tm &Te(N.m) 100 -50 0 -200 -100 -400 -150 0 2 4 6 8 -600 3.995 10 T(s) 4 T(s) 4.005 Fig. 10 Generated 3-ph voltages with respect to time (High resolution time frame) Fig. 8 Variation of the Mechanical torque (Tm) & Electromagnetic torque (Te) (N.m) with respect to time 100 Ig abc 50 0 -50 -100 3.995 4 T(s) 4.005 Fig. 11 Generated 3-ph currents with respect to time (High resolution time frame) 800 600 VLoad abc (v) 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 -800 0.03 0.031 Time (seconds) Fig. 12 A 3-ph Load voltages with respect to time with RL filter (High resolution time frame) 60 40 I Load (A) 20 0 -20 -40 -60 0.03 0.0304 Time (seconds) 0.0308 Fig. 13 A 3-ph Load currents with respect to time with RL filter (High resolution time frame) Fig. 9 The complete system of Wind turbine PMSG connected to load 5 0.031 775 be stable after a small oscillation which depends upon the size of dc link capacitor and inductor. It is also concluded that, load side converter with LCL filter is suitable in smoothing of load voltages and currents rather than RL filter. It is also obvious that the PI controller is regarded as an attractive solution for adjustable speed wind generator and then the profile of output voltages and currents especially for constant load. With regard to further work, the connection of PMSG or DFIG to the grid will be investigated, modelled and simulated as well as applying other types of controller such as slide mode or hysteresis current controller to overcome oscillations in output currents. 770 Vdc (v) 765 760 755 750 745 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 Time (seconds) 0.04 0.05 Fig. 14 DC Voltage of the rectifier converter (High resolution time frame) REFERENCES The DC voltage maintains constant during the operation as shown in Fig. 14. The 3-ph voltages and current of LCL filter are shown in Figs. 15-16. [1] J. Zaragoza, J. Pou, A. Arias, C. Spiteri, E. Robles, and S. 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From simulation, it is concluded that the wind turbine generator system is controlled well to get MPPT in generator side controller. Also smooth DC voltage in load side controller has been achieved. The outputs of voltages and currents show that there is a small distortion in output current due to inductance of R-L filter. The DC output voltage will 6