Support Staff Meeting Notes – September 11, 2012

Support Staff Meeting Notes – September 11, 2012
 Automatic reply if the applicant does not meet the required qualifications
 Those who are not selected are also to receive an automated reply
 Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly orientation to provide new employees guidance
 First Weekly meeting – will meet the initial needs of a new hire; payroll, etc.
 Monthly meeting – will be required training and policies
 Quarterly meeting – will be the “feel good” networking, becoming part of the Clarkson community
 1 year anniversary – HR celebrating 1 year with employees and gathering feedback around their first
year of employment.
 Missing pieces that came up in discussion – Peoplesoft, Moodle training, moving expense
regulations etc. need to be a part of this orientation process moving forward
 Managers should meet with the new hire once a week; it was mentioned by Marilyn that perhaps
the other members (support staff?) in the department should “tap” their boss and suggest they
have this weekly meeting with the new hire.
 HR (Katje) is working on creating a buddy system/mentor within the departments so if a new hire
has a question they can turn to them for assistance
 A Support Staff – Welcoming Committee was mentioned, apparently it has existed in the past.
Should it be re-created?
 “Onboarding” was the term being used by HR when referring to new employees being hired
 ID # for new hires, causes a delay in training, etc. Before an ID # can be assigned the employee must
first fill out an I-9 form. It was also mentioned that HR is locked out of payroll Thursday, Friday, and
Monday causing further delays. Please note: this was clarified after the meeting – HR, Service
Center and OIT are working on streamlining the new hire process related to getting an employee ID,
log-in information, phone, etc. The current process is cumbersome and not as efficient as it could be
and is complicated by the fact that HR does not have access to all the fields in PeopleSoft while
payroll is being run (Thursday afternoon through Monday at lunchtime).
 Student hiring process needs revision! – comment made by group members
 All completed except for a few people who chose not to do one.
 All job descriptions have been looked at and reviewed by HR
 The wages shared by the Dept of Labor and the current SUNY wages were averaged to create a
benchmark which will be used to compare to Clarkson University positions
 Some employees may see an increase, some will remain the same. Wages will not be reduced in the
case where a person is over-leveled.
 HR took the level of pay rate and detailed it down to quartiles, so that new hires with experience
could possibly fall at a higher pay rate than those with just the basic skills for the position.
 There will no longer be a level 16. There will be levels 17, 18 and 19.
 The levels will be based on the skill set used in the job, you will be paid for the job you are doing
 Some employees may hit a max level of pay for their position, this has yet to be
 The job descriptions will be unique to each employee, but will fall into a “general” description for
each job.
 Job description review – could this be tied in with our yearly review? Some jobs are ever evolving
and HR will review jobs as they change each year or if the position opens up.
 The spreadsheet prepared by HR goes to Tony and the Cabinet for discussion and review and then
HR can continue moving forward with their process. When asked a time frame, we were told its
underway and moving forward. No exact date was given.
 The Exempt employee job descriptions are the next step for HR to undertake.
 Nothing will change until all processes have been completed.