SUPPORT STAFF GENERAL MEETING of April 7, 2015 MINUTES Present: 13 People 1. Pot luck, was delicious. 2. Amy Thompson spoke about the new HR position, and the diversity that this person will have a part in. The president Tony Collins was looking for feedback on what more we would like to see, looking for suggestions. Communication was brought up, HR communicating more going forward. Our leaders respectively are sometimes too busy for us to get all the information. Explaining more of why and the when’s. 3. Nominations for Support Staff Council were given, anyone that could not make it and would like to email your nominations, can to; which will be open for the remainder of this week. Betsy Niles will email those that were nominated to see if they have interest in going forward. Nominations were for: Chair CO-Chair Parliamentarian/Ad-hoc 4. We did not have time to discuss more about the Retiree party, emails will be sent with details for May. A) Having it at a place was still not decided at this point. 5. If the ones that were nominated do not accept, and no one else steps forward, Michelle McGill found out that once the meeting is dissolved, (June 1st) the group will be no more. In the future however, HR did tell Michelle if someone wants to pick it back up, they can do so! Points given if the group is dissolved; Voices would not be heard from our chair, and even less communication. Information is shared at these meetings from HR, and the council, etc. The Christmas events will no longer have the raffles, baskets, and drawings, etc.. No more scholar ships will be given that the group does. No more money given to those in need, (confidentially). (Hurt, loss of a loved one, or illness) This is a good group, and new leadership, can bring new ideas and go a different route if they are up for the task. Focus on the positives, and how to keep our voices being heard with HR, this is an ongoing task. Respectfully submitted, Mishelle Yaddow 04/07/2015