Notes: Terrorism

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________________ Page: ___
Notes: Terrorism
1. What is terrorism?
 Working definition: the use of ____________________ and intimidation to pursue _______________ ,
cultural, economic ,or religious aims
 The problem with terrorism:
o The definition of terrorism is still ______________________
o There are over 20 different definition of terrorism in the United States alone
“One man’s _______________________ is another man’s _______________________________
2. Examples of international terrorism:
 Munich Olympics
o Munich = a city in ____________________ that was home to the 1972 _____________________
o What happened?
 11 members of the __________________ Olympic team were taken hostage by a
________________________ group called Black September
 Black September = demanded release of Palestinians being held in jails in Israel
in exchange for the return of the Israeli athletes
RESULT: 11 Israeli Olympic team members were _____________, 8 members of
____________________________ were killed
September 11, 2001 attacks (New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania)
Charlie Hebdo attack (Paris, France)
Four flights crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania field,
resulting in the death of nearly 3,000 people
Orchestrated by Al-Qaeda (led at the time by Bin Laden)
Motives for the attack?
When? ______________________________
What happened?
 Charlie Hebdo = a satirical cartoon magazine
 HQs was attacked by two brothers affiliated with _____________ (Al-Qaeda in Yemen)
because they had published satirical drawings of the prophet _______________________
o RESULT: 12 people died, 11 injured
Other examples include:
o Car _____________________ , suicide ___________________ airline _____________________
3. Government responses to international terrorism:
Increased ________________________ (think the Patriot Act after 9/11)
Review of __________________
rights (issue with Edward Snowden)
__________________ heightened at
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