Name: Page #: Age of Discovery – Exploration Test Study Guide

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Age of Discovery – Exploration Test
Study Guide
1. In the 1500’s, the need for cheap labor in the
American colonies led to need of
2. The French explorer who claimed Canada for
France was
3. How did the Columbian Exchange impact the
4. Who was the first European explorer to reach
India by going around the tip of Africa?
5. How did China and Japan attempted to limit
foreign influence?
6. What is a joint-stock company?
7. How were the indigenous people of the
Americas affected by European colonization?
8. Which continents were involved in the triangle
9. His expedition was the first to circumnavigate
the world, proving the world was round.
10. What was the legacy left by the Spanish on
new societies in Latin America?
11. What products came to the New World after
1492 from Europe?
12. Which Spanish conquistador conquered the
13. Which explorer is credited with the
“discovery” of the New World?
14. The exchange of new products and
resources between the Eastern and Western
hemispheres was called
16. Slavery was based on what ethnic factor in
the Americas?
17. The word circumnavigation refers to:
18. The trans-Atlantic voyage from Africa to the
Americas is known as what?
19. What does indigenous mean?
20. What role did religion play during the Age of
21. What was the impact of European diseases
like smallpox on the American Indians?
22. Who went to the Andes and by trickery and
force conquered the Incas?
23. What was the effect of large amounts of gold
and silver going to Spain and Asia?
24. What happened to the native economies and
cultures of Asia, Africa, and the Americas as a
result of Exploration?
25 What goods were traded from Europe
Africa, AfricaAmerica, AmericaEurope?
26. What Asian nations avoided Westerners to
enter and trade in their country?
27. What did Europeans establish in Africa and
28. Where did Europeans establish trading posts
in Africa?
29. Which monarch sent out expeditions to
explore the coast of Africa and established a
school to train explorers?
30. Which explorer died in a fight in the
Philippines, but his crew finished the trip around
the world.
31. What were 3 motivation factors for
Europeans to explore?
32. Name 5 advancements in technology which
enabled the Age of Exploration.
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