~Mrs. Sherry’s September News~ September 14, 2015

~Mrs. Sherry’s September News~
September 14, 2015
Week two is complete and the year is off to a great start! The students have done a
great job getting to know our classroom routine. Please continue to check your child’s agenda
and home folder nightly. The agenda should be signed. I often use the agenda for communication
with you if needed. We have library on Thursday. Please make sure your child returns their
library books. Appropriate shoes for PE are needed on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Conferences will take place in October. The sign-up sheets are outside our classroom.
Please sign-up as soon as possible. I will be making contact with parents next week in regard to
conferences if you have not signed up.
~What We Are Learning~
Reading: Building A Reading Life, which consists of mini lessons, guided reading, independent
reading, and shared reading with a focus on fluency and comprehension.
Language Arts: Word Study (1st test this Friday), Personal Narrative Writings
Math: Place Value
Contents: Maps and Globes
~Classroom Expectations~
Please ask your child about our classroom expectations including respect, responsibility,
and effort. Each day they start with 3 Eagles. If they have to be spoken to about how their
choices may be impacting our classroom expectations in a negative manner, they are asked to
turn in an eagle.
~Class Wish List~
Gift Cards from Amazon to help add books to our classroom library.