The Holocaust Holocaust: The Final Solution

The Holocaust
“The Final Solution” of WWII
Holocaust: the systematic attempt to rid Europe of all Jews.
Hitler incorporated anti-Semitism and his plan for a master race (Aryan Race)
Anti-Semitism: prejudice towards or hatred of Jews
Motives behind the Holocaust
Mein Kampf: Hitler’s book describing his plan for a Aryan master race
An Aryan, according to Hitler was a white, non-Jewish person. With a tall body, blonde hair and blue
Hitler believed Aryans were the smartest and strongest
Aryan Supremacy – Hitler believed that Aryan were superior (better than) all other races.
o Hitler and the Nazi Party saw Jews as Non-German
o Hitler believed in the removal of all Jews
Hitler and the Nazi Party were also prejudiced towards gypsies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, disabled, and
Hitler’s Plan
1. 1933- Threats and boycotts against Jewish stores
2. 1935 – Nuremberg Laws: laws passed to publicly identify Jewish people and to segregate them.
Segregation: separation of people by race, religion, or nationality
Nuremberg Laws – Jews were forced to wear the Star of David to identify themselves as Jewish
3. 1938 – Pogrom: a violent riot
Riots launched against Jews by local residents and encouraged by authorities.
Kristallnacht (November 9, 1938) “Night of the Broken Glass”
o Most Famous Nazi Pogrom
o Nazis destroyed thousands of Jewish buildings and synagogues
o Burned books by Jewish authors
o Signaled the start of the Jewish elimination
4. 1939 – Ghettos
 Jews were rounded up and forced into Ghettos, or areas separated from the rest of German
 The idea was to overcrowd a small area with little food and supplies so that Jews would die of
starvation and disease
 Not fast enough for Hilter
The Holocaust
“The Final Solution” of WWII
5. 1939 – Hitler’s “Final Solution”
Genocide: the deliberate murder of a particular ethnic, religious, or cultural group
Jews were deported (transported) from ghettos to concentration camps
Concentration Camp: work camps where Jews were forced by Nazis to perform hard labor
o Little food
o Unsanitary
o Filled with disease
Extermination Camps: when Jews were no longer able to work they were sent to camps in Poland
to be killed
Allied troops freed Jews and others who survived concentration camps throughout the year 1945
Death Toll
6 million Jews exterminated during the Holocaust
2/3 of all European Jews were killed
200,000-800,00 Gypsies
200,000-300,000 people with disabilities
10,000-25,000 homosexual men
2,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses
Nuremberg Trials
Nazi leaders were convicted of war crimes
Led to an increasing demand for a Jewish homeland which would become Israel carved out of Palestine