Study Guide Cooperative Games - 8th Grade

Study Guide
Cooperative Games - 8th Grade
1. Respecting everyone’s right to be included, respecting everyone’s right to a peaceful conflict
resolution and maintaining self control are three ways you can show respect to the rights and
feelings of others.
2. During cooperative games and all other units, being ‘here’ is very important because you’re not
only present- you are adding value to the activity at all times. You’re actively engaged figuring
out a solution to the problem, asking clarifying questions, working positively with peers, etc.
3. An effective listener is someone who listens quietly without interruption. They hear the person
out on their opinions even if they are different than their own.
4. Knowing constructive ways to handle conflict resolution is a very important skill to have. Here
are a few of the ways to handle conflict resolution:
a. Listen to all opinions before making a judgement
b. Talk it out
c. Have face-to-face conversations with a mediator/teacher present
d. Seek understanding
5. Students will need to describe a time in class when they felt frustrated with another student.
They will need to describe the situation and explain how it was handled and what the outcome
was during class.