Unit 3: Early River Valley Civilizations Part 2 Chapter 3 & 4: People and Ideas on the Move/The Age of Empires Section 1: Indo-European Migrations/The Empires of Egypt and Nubia Collide Hittites Blend Empire and Technology 1. What area did the Hittites occupy? (Provide both names) a. How were they able to conquer the Egyptians? a. Around what time period? b. They occupied what present day country? 2. What area in Mesopotamia did the Hittites rule? a. Who did they fight for control of this area? 5. What did they use to build their chariots? a. How did environmental features in Anatolia help the Hittites advance technologically? GO TO PAGE 84 The Egyptians and the Hittites 1. Around what time period did the Hittites move to Asia Minor? 3. From which culture and language did the Hittites adopt? a. At what battle did the two meet? a. Give examples of borrowed ideas. b. What was the result? 4. What technology did the Hittites excel in?