Monday Memo Mr. Palumbo November 16, 2014 -Class Agenda-

Monday Memo
Mr. Palumbo
November 16, 2014
-Class AgendaReading – Main Ideas and supporting details! We will be reading stories as a class and in
guided reading groups and constructing strong summaries with the important facts. The
books they use for their independent reading will also be used for an independent project
called a “Story Wheel” in class and will be recorded on their second Reading Log.
Word Study – New Word Study Words this week, test Friday.
Writing – Last week for our friendly letters. We will write to our third grade teachers.
Math –Multiplication. We will be multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit and 2 digit by 2 digit.
Multiplication and division timed test will be given this week. (DreamBox should be
complete at home at least twice this week.
Virginia Studies- We are finishing up our Native Americans unit this week. We will have
our test either Wednesday or Thursday this week. After our Native Americans, it
November Calendar:
Nov. 17 Musical
Nov. 17 Book Fair at 11:15
-Reminders1. The Book Fair this week. Parents are invited to come meet our class in the library on
Tuesday, November 17th, at 11:15 to purchase books. Or you can just send in money with
your child that day. It will also be open right before our show that night from 5:30-7.
2. Parents are also invited to our musical Tuesday Nov. 17th afternoon at 1:30 and then
at 7:00 that evening. All students are expected to be present for both shows.
3. Please make sure you are checking your child’s planner and homework nightly. The math is
getting harder, so please review the problems your child does each night, and have him or
her fix any that are wrong.
4. Please let me know in advance if your child will be absent from school around the
Thanksgiving or winter holidays this year. I cannot send home work in advance, but we can
make sure all tests and quizzes are taken before he or she leaves.
Support our PTO by joining, and please keep bringing in box tops!!!
Thank you!