Monday Memo Mr. Palumbo February 29, 2016 -Class Agenda-

Monday Memo
Mr. Palumbo
February 29, 2016
-Class AgendaReading – We are finishing up working with inferences and drawing conclusions.
Students should have their Cereal Box book report done for Wednesday.
Word Study –New words this week test Friday.
Writing – The students have finished their product advertisements, and we are going to
start our biographies of famous people in history.
Math – Fraction Unit. We are now creating equivalent fractions and going to add and
subtract fractions with like denominators. (Reflex Math and Dream Box should be
complete at home at least once this week.)
VA Studies – Science is done for now. We are starting the American Revolution unit this
week. We will review what life was like for the colonies, and start to talk about the colonies
went to war with Great Britain.
February Calendar:
Read –A – Thon starts today
1. Tomorrow is a student holiday due to the elections.
2. Please support our Read-a-Thon by sending in a donation or going to the online
donation section of the LIES website!
3. Pennies for Chromebooks begins this week, and students can put their donations in
the containers in the main lobby.
4. PTO Bingo is Friday, March 11th.
5. ASAP begins today.