2015-2016 Course Syllabus and Information Sheet Overview:

Ms. Kinzer
English 9H
John Champe High School
Room 2610
2015-2016 Course Syllabus and Information Sheet
English 9H is designed to develop student reading, writing, viewing, listening, and speaking
skills using literature of various genres. Most reading for class will happen outside of class time,
so that class time may be reserved for discussion, writing, and further analysis. Students in
English 9H must take ownership of the course, recognizing that adherence to course procedures
and expectations will be required every day of the year. Success in this course will be built on
this foundation of student responsibility.
Course Themes and Texts:
Students will explore society and the individual through literature and daily writing. Students
will consider diverse perspectives, voices, and cultures within literature. To assist in learning
these skills, this course will consist of the following units of study: The Tragedy of Romeo and
Juliet, The Odyssey, Of Mice and Men or To Kill a Mockingbird, short stories, poetry,
nonfiction, and other texts, including the ninth grade textbook, The Language of Literature.
*texts are subject to change.
NOTE: I can lend a school copy of each work listed above; however, students may find it useful
to have a personal copy in order to thoughtfully and actively engage in the reading.
Required Materials:
 3 ring binder (1-2 inches)
 Loose leaf notebook paper
 4 dividers ( Literature Notes, Grammar, Vocabulary, Writing,)
 1 folder for graded work
 2 different color highlighters
 Writing Tools: Blue/black pens and at least one additional color
 Post-it notes
 Flash Drive (recommended)-can be shared with other subjects
 1 Marble notebook
General Policies and Procedures:
Rules are located in the John Champe High School student handbook/agenda, which each student
received on the first day of school. Failure to follow these rules/regulations will result in the
consequences in the handbook.
Work Routines:
All handwritten assignments must be legible, double spaced and written in blue or black ink. All
typed formal assignments need to be double spaced using 12 point font, one inch margins and
in Times New Roman font with the appropriate MLA heading.
Attendance Expectations:
Success is highly dependent on student attendance and preparation in class. If a student is absent
from class, the student is responsible for all work, including assignments missed, notes needed or
homework collected. Students should consult their classes’ crate upon returning to class.
Students who miss a quiz or test must make an appointment with the teacher to take the test
within one week of their return to class! It is the student’s responsibility to communicate
with the teacher for make-up work or alternate deadlines. Students will NOT be able to
make up late work missed for unexcused absences. It is also wise to choose a “While You Were
Out” partner; please choose wisely and be a reliable partner!
Retakes/Multiple Efforts:
Students can meet with the teacher to discuss retakes/multiple effort opportunities for process
activities (applied practice activities, quizzes etc.). The purpose of this is for students to
demonstrate an understanding of these skills and activities prior to a larger/extended assignment.
In most cases, students will be required to sign up for SHIELD time.
***The student must initiate this process by speaking with the teacher within ONE WEEK of a
returned grade that scored a 74% or below. A student will then be asked to fill out a reflection
sheet. The grade on the retake will replace the initial grade.
The only larger/extended assignment that students will have an opportunity to rework is a formal
writing assignment. In order for the opportunity to be made available, students must have met all
process deadlines for the assignment, must complete a self-reflection form, and must conference
with the teacher prior to submitting a rewritten paper. It is the students’ responsibility to initiate
this process. The grade on the rewrite will replace the initial grade.
Plagiarism and Cheating:
Plagiarism and cheating go against John Champe High School’s honor code and will not be
tolerated in any form. All work must reflect you or your group’s own thinking and effort.
Anything borrowed from other sources must be referenced and cited correctly. Any instance of
plagiarism or cheating will result in an instant zero for the assignment, followed by an office
referral. This rule will be taken very seriously.
Contact Information:
I am available via email at Sarah.Kinzer@lcps.org . You may also contact me at John Champe
High School at 703-722-2680. Students and parents should send me a message directly whenever
they have questions or concerns. I will also be available by appointment before and/or after
school and/or parent conferences. I am located in Room 2610.
Only assignments that count towards the final grade will be listed in Phoenix. Teachers have the
option to “hide” non-weighted assignments; however, all teachers will track (either on paper or
electronically) student progress on all learning activities.
Weighted assignments will be posted in Phoenix when assigned, not when graded.
Total points will be used for grading assignments. The following categories will be used in
Phoenix: Applied Practice, Quizzes and Tests, Writing, Projects and Presentations.
Grades will be given a point value and will be based on the Loudoun County grading scale:
A+ = 98% - 100%
C+ = 77% - 79%
F = 59% and lower
A = 93% - 97%
C = 73% - 76%
A- = 90% - 92%
C- = 70% - 72%
B+ = 87% - 89%
D+ = 67% - 69%
B = 83% - 86%
D = 63% - 66%
Late Work Policy:
Late work is defined as work that is not completed and turned in when it is due. All assignments
are expected to be turned in on time no matter the academic level. Please keep in mind that the
department honors the LCPS "50 floor." However, each teacher works at his/her discretion to
have work submitted regardless. Work assigned, no matter how big or small in terms of points,
is considered integral to the overall learning process taking place in that class.
Honors/AP: A 10% reduction will be taken each class period that an assignment is late.
Teachers will no longer accept late assignments after one week of the due date.
The same will apply for the first/second half of each quarter; nothing will be accepted late from
the interim report to one week prior to the end of the marking period. These dates will be posted
in English rooms and announced to all classes.
If there is ever a problem or question with an assignment or due date, see me immediately!
Do not wait until the day the assignment is due.
“Printer problems” are not exceptions to the late-work policy. Students should plan ahead, have
plenty of paper and ink, not wait until the night before to print, and have an electronic version in
case he/she needs to find a school computer to print the assignment. Assignments should not be
printed off at the beginning of class; work will be considered late if it not ready for submission at
the bell.
- if a student is in school, but not in class on a day an assignment is due, he/she is still expected
to turn in the assignment.
- if a student is attending a school function, he/she is expected to turn in all work before leaving.
- if a student is absent on the day that a major assignment is due, he/she is expected to make
contact with the teacher ( by phone or email) to make arrangements for turning in the
The LCPS English Honors Portfolio
The Commonwealth of Virginia requires that all courses that are weighted have a common
assessment to ensure that students meet consistently high standards across schools and
classrooms. In Loudoun County Public Schools, Honors-level high school English classes
receive a 0.5 GPA weight (on a 4.0 scale), and we meet the state’s requirement through an
Honors Portfolio.
Writing Reflection Portfolio
Throughout the year, students will reflect on their progress as a writer and track their strengths
and weaknesses on informal and formal writing assignments. For informal assignments, students
will be given a folder to keep in the classroom to collect all written work. Turnitin.com may be
utilized for self and peer marks as well as a compilation of all formal writing presented to the
teacher during the year. Students will strengthen their writer’s voice and craft through reflection:
the reflection of their thinking and their writing structure and skills.
The Big Question/Inquiry Research Project and Essay
Each unit introduced in class will revolve around an essential question and/or theme. We will
continually be asking ourselves how it all relates to our lives as we read about characters and
learn about specific English grammar and literary terms. During third quarter, all honors
students will embark on a personal inquiry journey, finding solutions and evidence from an
individually chosen “big question”. I will guide students on a focused research approach, and
through a well-written and drafted essay they will present their opinions and support to their
teacher, classmates, and possibly the community!
We have read and reviewed the English 9 Honors syllabus for 2015-2016:
Student Name (Print)
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian(s) Name(s)
Parent/Guardian(s) Signature(s)
Parent/Guardian(s) Daytime (9:00AM-4:00PM) Phone Numbers where you prefer to
be called:
Name ______________
(Home, Cell, or Work) ___________________
Name ______________
(Home, Cell, or Work) ___________________
Parent/Guardian(s) Email Addresses:
Please return this to school by______________________. Thank you!