Monday Memo 5/2/16 Hello Parents, We have a busy week ahead of us! First, the PTO has put together a songfest for the students on Tuesday morning. Students will get to sing their favorite songs along with the rest of the school. We are also busy planning our Mother’s Day surprises! The students are very excited about this. Please look for your presents on Friday afternoon, in their backpacks. On Thursday, we have a CBI trip planned for Algonkian Regional Park. The students will be discussing force of motion in class this week and we plan to explore the concepts of push and pull at the playground. Keep your fingers crossed that we don’t get even MORE rain that day. Lastly, on Friday, we have another visit from our fury friend, Jolene! As we near the end of the year, there are a couple events to mark on your calendar; Field Day and our class party. Our school’s field day will be held on Friday, June 3rd . Games starts at 8:00am, held around the track. A hotdog lunch is provided for students who want one. More information about this day will follow. PARENTS ARE WELCOME! We encourage you to come as either a volunteer at a station or to join our class. Please let me know if you would like to come. Finally, our class party will be on Monday, June 13th at 9:45am. At this party, we welcome all parents (and grandparents) to join us as we celebrate a great year. The students are always excited to sharing all their accomplishments with you. Please mark your calendars now!