Name: _______________________________ USVA History

Name: _______________________________
USVA History
Chapter 23.5 – The impact of the New Deal
What is the most important thing for this section (Main Idea) Write it your own words–
Results of the New Deal
By the end of the Hundred Days, millions of Americas had benefited from the
_______________________________ programs
Public confidence in the nation’s future had rebounded
FDR practiced the policy of _____________________________- spending more money
that the gov’t receives in revenue
o Said it was a necessary evil to be used in an economic crisis
Critics of the New Deal
Many critics believed the New Deal interfered with the workings of a
__________________________________ economy
Fed. Gov’t had too much control over agriculture and industry
________________________________________- believed the New Deal violated
respect for rights of individuals and property
3 of the toughest critics expressed views that appealed to the poor: Father Coughlin, Dr.
Francis Townsend, and Huey Long
FDR and the Supreme Court
______________________________ (1935): struck down the National Industrial
Recovery Act (NIRA) as unconstitutional
Said it gave legislative power to the executive branch
_________________________________ (1937): struck down the Agricultural
Adjustment Act (AAA) saying that agriculture is a local matter and should be regulated
by the states not the fed. Gov’t
Overall FDR’s New Deal was ___________________________ in 7 of 9 SC decisions
FDR’s Response
Judiciary Reorganization Bill
o Allowed him to appoint 6 new Supreme Court justices
o Also called the “________________________________”
o Never happened
1937, an elderly justice retired and FDR appointed a liberal justices, shifting the balance
of the Court
Over the next 4 years because of resignations, FDR appointed 7 new judges
End of the Great Depression?
In 1938, FDR scaled back on the New Deal policies and unemployment rose again
Production and unemployment wouldn’t match pre-1929 levels until the US entered
WWII and industries began production of war materials
However, the New Deal DID provide ______________________ relief to many!
Long Term Impact
People now looked to the gov’t for help in times of need
o ___________________________ is responsible for social welfare
Thousands of federal jobs were created to maintain new agencies
Gov’t became active in settling labor disputes
Greatly regulated business- 40 hr work week, minimum wage, etc.
Ushered in an era of _____________________________ taxes paid by citizens
Journal entry:
Should social welfare be the Government’s responsibility?